This is what i wanted right?

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Every thing in my body hurt I slowly woke up, it was still pitch black outside
I looked around to see where the hell i were, then I saw him laying next to me the moon light illuminated his face, his beautiful face he didn't look evil at all in his sleep, he didn't have that cold look, he looked so peaceful something about him made my heart ache. I don't really remember what happened last night I only remember saying some comments about him and then blacking out. I was in Tom's bed for fuck sake I new immediately that my life was wrecked, I'd never get out of here he was a proper gang member and I had disrespected the shit out of him, but I did mean what I said. I'm very surprised that he hadn't killed me already. I stood up quietly from the bed and made my way into his bathroom I didn't dare to wake him up so I didn't lock the bathroom door because that would make too much noise. I stood there staring at myself in the mirror, my lips where bruised and so was my whole face I had dried blood on my chin and lips. What the fuck had he done to me, I let out a little cry before I mentally slapped my self, I had to stay strong I can't let him control me. I felt so dirty I decided to take a shower, I took off my clothes and jumped into the shower, i washed my body with some random soap and then my hair. Then I heard the door cracked open,

fuck I completely forgot that I didn't lock it, it was Tom of course, "get the fuck out I'm showering" "don't forget that this is my bathroom, and you just showed up here randomly" he said smirking a little "no you dragged me up here, if you hadn't done that, I wouldn't be here right now" I snapped at him "well that would be no fun, I'm glad that I did" he said smirking at me, looking me up and down, holy mother fucker I totally forgot that I'd been standing here arguing with him while I was completely naked. I covered my self with my hands and snapped at him "CAN YOU GO NOW?" I said frustrated "jeez I was just gonna give you this" he laid some clothes on the bathroom counter and walked out of the bathroom, "finally" I mumbled to my self. I walked out of the shower dried my hair and put on the clothes Tom had brought me, it was one of his baggy t-shirt and sweatpants I snooped a little around in his bathroom and then I found a little basket with some girl stuff, it probably belonged to his last slut, I found a grey hair clip and put my hair up with it. I went down stairs into the kitchen to see everyone was looking at me, Ivy gave me a little sad smile and so did Paris,

Tom and the other guys where not there Elena went over to me and gave me a hug "I heard about what happened last night, If I new it would be like this I would never have dragged you into this I-" she cries I cut her of "I know it's ok, I wanted to come anyway it's not your fault" I said giving her a sad smile, both her and I new that Tom and bill won't let us go now. I loved the rush and all that and I kinda new what I was getting my self into, but I didn't think about Tom beating me all the time.. I new he was a angry person and a gang leader but still I said those thing I said to him. "Do you want some breakfast?" Paris asked me "no thanks I'm fine I'm not that hungry" I said smiling "you need to eat Melanie" Paris said pushing a bowl of cereal towards me.

I sat down besides Ivy at the kitchen counter, I ate my bowl of cereal in silence. Then Tom and the other guys came inside the kitchen, they were arguing about something in German

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