I can't do this anymore

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After I was done showering I blow dried my hair and put on my beige juicy couture track suit. Tom was still sleeping, I went down stairs into the kitchen where Ivy and Elena sat eating pancakes, "good morning Mel" Elena said giving me a hug
"good morning" I responded
"Do you want some pancakes??" Ivy asked me handing out a plate for me "sure" I said giving her a little smile "where is Paris?" I asked while putting some Sirup on my pancakes "she isn't up yet, I don't think the guys are neither" Ivy said "oh ok" I answered eating my pancakes.

I heard someone coming down the stairs it was Tom, he came inside the kitchen where I and Ivy and Elena sat "good morning girls" Tom said smiling "good morning Tom" Elena said smiling "morning want some pancakes?" Ivy asked Tom "sure" he said. I didn't say shit to him, I finished my pancakes quick and ran upstairs into mine and Tom's room I looked through my suitcase Paris had brought me, I found a pack of cigarettes and one of those small vodka bottles, but I couldn't find a lighter. I ran down stairs  the other guys had woken up now they all were eating breakfast I walked past them into the living room to snoop around for a lighter "what are you looking for?" Bill asked me giving me a confused look "lighter" I answered

"Here" he said giving me a lighter from his pocket "thanks" I said going outside on the back porch that lead to the big cherry tree I sat down at the little bench in front of the tree inhaling the heavy smoke, it hurt a bit to smoke since I've been beaten up 2 days ago I sat out here for a long time I didn't want to go in. Even though it was cold outside I didn't care, I had given up on the escape plan it would never work I know that Tom would find me, and he knows that I know that. It was no escape but I couldn't live like this, I can't live with Tom but I also can't live without him, I almost forget how evil he can be the first second he is sweet and nice and warm and caring, the next second he'll be slamming me down on the floor beating and screaming at me.

I took sometime admiring the beautiful nature surrounding the house. I had always dreamed of a house just like this in the middle of no were, nature surrounding the house, a near by river and this beautiful big cherry tree. Suddenly Tom came outside and sat down besides be. I didn't say I just kept staring at the tree "it's beautiful isn't it" Tom said also looking at the tree
"uhm" I said nodding "Mel you can't sit here for ever you'll catch a cold"
"well maybe that's the plan" I said quietly "don't be ridiculous you can't sit out here for ever" he said turning to look at me "I don't get you Tom" I said finally turning to look at him before I walked back inside.

My body was still sore but I felt a little better I could finally talk with out my jaw feeling like shit. I walked upstairs into Tom's room, that's where I spent my time I was over sleeping all the time so I don't feel the pain. I suddenly remembered that I had to call my mom, my phone was long lost gone after the first night I was here. I walked back downstairs the others where not in the kitchen or living room, I went around looking for them but they weren't in the house.

Then I saw Tom still sitting out side by the cherry tree I have to go ask him where the hell my phone is. I walked outside to the bench were he was sitting, "Tom I need my phone" I said crossing my arms "no you don't" he said not looking at me at all "yes tom I do I need to call my mother I'm not your 5 year old little daughter you can't take my phone away from me like that"
"Watch me" he said smirking "you know what screw it" I said while walking angry back inside. I had enough of his shit a prisoner had more freedom than me, I sat down on the couch playing with my ring, then Tom came inside.

Tom's pov:
I went back inside and saw Mel sitting on the couch, the other guys where out somewhere I didn't have the energy to go out today. But I sure had the energy to annoy Mel, I sat down besides her and puller her closer to me "I'll give you ur phone if you behave yourself" "fuck off" she said pushing me off her "ok I'd had it with your attitude" I said seriously "does it look like I give a fuck anymore? Huh? am I supposed to be happy and clingy and act like your dog and do everything you want me too?" she said angry looking me in the eyes

"Yes that's exactly what your supposed to do" I snapped back at her I was stating to loose my temper again, hadn't she learned to not talk to me like that again yet? usually I would just kill girls that ever speak to me like that but no one has ever spoken to me like Melanie did, they would never ever do that everyone is afraid of me. So this was completely new for me especially from a girl. Rage was building up in me I'd had enough of this, Melanie was making me feel things I've never ever felt, she made me feel sorry and weak and she messed with my head I couldn't be like this anymore I had to end it. I grabbed her arm and dragged her out side into my car I can't do this anymore.

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