I wasn't expecting this

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"If you don't shut the fuck up, I'm gonna rip your eyes out and shove them down your throat so you can watch when I rip your guts out" I snapped back at her. It looked like Vicky was too stunned to speak, as she should. Tom didn't say a word

She was only quiet for a little while before she started yapping again, I was sure I was gonna get ear cancer after this "who are you even talking to?" I asked her "Not you slut! I'm talking to my boyfriend" she said rudely back "and who is your boyfriend?" I asked curious "Tom of course are you that stupid?" She snapped at me.

"Oh I see perfect match" I said smiling a little to myself
"You're just jealous that Tom likes me and not you slut" she said turning back to look at me
"Am I supposed to cry or?" I asked
"Maybe you should slut" Vicky said smirking

Ok this girl was out of her mind if she actually thought Tom was her boyfriend, he never ever would have been in a real relationship never I would actually pay to see that. It's weird that Tom haven't told her to shut the hell up if I would've yapped so much like Vicky do wich I don't he would probably blow my brains out.
We stopped in front of an old warehouse in the middle of nowhere "where are we?" Vicky said clinging into Tom, I felt sick to my stomach seeing her cling to Tom like that

Then we saw to cars pull up in front of us, Tom grabbed Vicky around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Then I saw Cash coming out of his car walking towards us, and then I saw Eric coming out of the other car. I haven't seen him since the race that night, I thought he was dead by now, I thought Tom would have shot him or something I was so glad to see him, he looked at me with a sad expression on his face I wondered why.

I have no idea what's going on this is so weird, we are in the middle of nowhere and what was Vicky doing here and Eric. I was so confused
"There you are Melanie, Tom's little girlfriend" cash said smirking at me
"I'm not his girlfriend" I said crossing my arms
"Feisty are we?" He said smirking
"Take her I don't care" Tom said clinging into Vicky, What the fuck was happening was I going to get kidnapped by cash? My heart was racing

"Wow Tom I really thought you would care more about your future child" cash said pulling out his gun.

Tom looked at me, his eyes widened. How the fuck did cash know about the baby?!

Oh my fucking god this cannot be happening I didn't want Tom to find out this way fuck

"But then I'll take your other slut since you clearly like her" cash said pointing his gun at Vicky "No cash we had a deal I keep Vicky and you take Melanie and stop selling at my club" Tom said ready to pull out his gun out
"Well I don't want Melanie anymore I want your precious little girlfriend Vicky now" cash said pointing his gun at Tom now

Tom's pov:
I knew if I acted like I didn't give a shit about Melanie cash would change his mind and take Vicky instead, I knew this was going to be risky but it had to be done I couldn't care less about Vicky being shot or kidnapped by cash all I cared about was Melanie being out of cash's sight,

when I heard him say "future child" I knew exactly what he meant I looked at Melanie it all made sense now, why Mel was throwing up all the time. I couldn't tell the rest of the guys about this drama with cash because it was all about Melanie, cash only wanted her because he knew I cared about her, this plan had to work.

"Fine if you get Vicky you won't hurt her right?" I said looking him in the eyes, I know he'd probably blow her brains out in an hour or so but that's just how it is
"That depends on how she behaves" cash said still pointing his gun at me
"Tom what are you doing I thought you loved me?" Vicky whispered to me
"Go with cash or I'll kill you" I whispered back to her, while I gave her a kiss. she did as I said and walked slowly over to cash

Melanie pov:
Vicky walked slowly over to Cash while she wiped her tears, I was so confused by what was happening I know what Tom was doing, I knew he didn't give a shit about Vicky but why would he do all this? Why couldn't he just let cash take me instead. I looked over at Eric and our eyes met, he looked at his car and then back at me. I knew exactly what he meant.

"Pleasure doing businesses with you" cash said smirking at Tom. Tom walked towards his car, I looked at Eric again, and then I ran for it, I hopped inside Eric's car and he slammed his foot on the gas pedal, "where are we gonna go?!" I said "don't worry about that I have a place" he said speeding down the road

"oh my god I can't believe what just happened I can't believe I ran way from him, he is gonna kill me" I said looking at Eric "it's fine he won't catch us " he said turning on a random street leading deeper in the forest. I saw Tom's car speed down the other road "where even are we?" I said looking out the window "someplace far away from the city this is a short cut to the highway we will get there before Tom and then we'll drive to my place" Eric said focusing on the road.

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