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Night fell quickly, though the sky stayed gray. After Kalisa and Newt had finally pulled away from the comfort of the Gardens, they instantly were thrown back into the chaos of the Glade.

There was much to do, even though they had been preparing all day. Nobody felt ready for the Grievers, then again it wasn't exactly something you could prepare for.

    Newt was whisked away at once to settle an argument between the Builders, leaving Kalisa to help the other boys place the barrier in front of the Homestead door.

    It was much bigger tonight, since they'd had more time to get ready. But it still wouldn't be enough.

    Frypan served up chicken breast and potato's for dinner. When she had received her food from Tyler, he had somehow looked even more pale than usual.

    Nobody talked or laughed. The sound of their silverware scraping against their plates echoed off the open walls of the Glade. Kalisa sat alone at first, since Minho and Thomas still hadn't return from the Maze and Newt was busy checking in on an unconscious Alby, but she was quickly joined by Teresa, who seemed uncomfortable with the eyes following her every move.

"Hey," She greeted, slouching down in exhaustion.

"Hey." Kalisa nodded back. "Did you guys make anymore progress on the Maps?"

She picked halfheartedly at her food, before allowing her eyes to meet the girl across from her. "Yeah, I think we did. Float, Catch, Bleed, Death, Stiff, and Push. Just a ton of nonsense words."

Kalisa frowned in consideration, "Thats it? Are you sure?"

"Positive. We checked over and over, but there was nothing else. It doesn't make sense obviously, but maybe there's a double meaning or something?" Teresa offered, trying to convince herself.

"Yeah, maybe." Kalisa wasn't too sure. While the words were a good sign, what were they supposed to do now? She had been hoping that it would spell out a phrase or set of instructions to get them out.

"So, where's Newt?" Teresa changed the subject, seeing Kalisa thinking hard.

"Probably off helping someone." Kalisa shrugged, then noticed Teresa sly grin. "What?"

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