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It took ten whole minutes for Kalisa to regain her regular breathing pattern. It took an additional five to pull herself to her feet. And when she finally moved away from the door, dinner had already been served.

Kalisa struggled over to the Homestead, the sounds of glass clanking and chatter drowning out the thundering of the Maze.

    She'd only made it halfway across the greenery before an accented voice called, "Kalisa?!"

    The girl turned, not surprised to see Newt speeding over to her. "What the hell happened? Are you out of your mind, runnin' into the Maze like that-" He paused to take a breath, furrowing his brows in worry. "You could've been killed."

    "I'm fine." Kalisa stated, resisting a shiver as she remembered the sight of the Griever atop Gally. "I found Thomas. And Gally."

    "Those shanks aren't important right now. You need to see the Med-Jacks." Newt stated, face only showing an ounce of surprise before converting back to his stern mask.

    "I'm fine." Kalisa repeated, growing aggitated.

    "I'm not asking." Newt said sternly.

    Kalisa knew arguing was pointless, Newt wouldn't rest until she agreed to medical treatment. Heaving a sigh Kalisa said, "Okay fine. Whatever."

Newt nodded in satisfaction, eyes darting from the cut on her face to a gash on her elbow she had somehow recieved. "I'll take you, come on." He grasped her arm gently and led her to the Homestead, ignoring all the other Gladers.

    They trudged up the stairs and down the hall until they reached the Med room, which was completely empty, save for the sleeping girl.

    I think the girl was talking to me.

    Thats what Thomas had said. Goosebumpes erupted over her pale arms as she stared intently at the unresponsive girl. There was something different about her, that was obvious. But Kalisa had a feeling it ran deeper than just her appearence.

    "Clint and Jeff are probably still at dinner, I can go grab them,"- Newt started but Kalisa cut him off, "No, it's fine. I can handle it, it's just a small scratch."

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