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The next day arrived quicker than the previous. And like it or not Kalisa was beginning to grow used to the Glade.

She still despised it, but the looming walls didn't seem as intimidating as they had a few days ago.

After waking up and changing into her jeans and black T-shirt, she went down to the kitchens for some breakfast, feeling much more rejuvenated since she wouldn't be with the Slicers today.

    It wasn't long before Newt found her. "Morning Greenie," He greeted, falling into step with her. "You ready to work?"

    "I guess so," Kalisa shrugged.

    "Thats the spirit." Newt gave a light smile, eyes lingering on the girl for a second too long.

    Snapping out of it he cleared his throat, "Its easy enough, we start by harvesting any of the crops that are ready, then we clean up by pulling weeds, smoothing dirt, things like that. Then if there's time we'll plant some more seeds, got it?"

    "I think so,"

    "Good, then take these," Newt tossed her a dirty pair of gloves. "You're gonna need 'em."

    He was right. For the first few hours Kalisa worked along side Newt, digging around in the dirt and listening to the blondes instructions.

    They pulled a variety of plants such as tomato's, potato's, chives, and carrots.

    By now it was nearly afternoon, the heat from the sun was bearing down on the girls back, making the work harder than it actually was. And though it was difficult, uncomfortable work, Kalisa couldn't help but enjoy the task.

    It might've been because of the simplicity of the job, or because compared to her previous one, a Track-Hoe was like a breath of fresh air. But Kalisa couldn't help but feel as though a certain British boy had something to do with it.

    "You know, years ago when we first got our hogs they were fully wild and untrained." Newt stated, wiping a drip of sweat from his brow.

    "They used to scare the living klunk out of me," He grinned at the memory. "Used to chase us around, headbutting us to the ground."

    Kalisa laughed, "I bet they were just training you all up for the Maze."

    "Well it defenetly worked, it was an insane cardio workout, you would've hated it." Newt said before glancing around. "I think we've pulled everything,"

    "Now we're gonna take these to the kitchens so they can wash them," The boy explained picking up one of the full baskets.

    Kalisa grabbed the other before following after Newt. "Your friend from yesterday, Minho, is he in the Maze right now?"

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