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Kalisa tried to concentrate on her work, but Ben's screams and the face of the new Glader lurked in her mind, distracting her from the feather mess she was supposed to be cleaning.

She had only left Chuck a bit ago, the younger kid insisting on introducing himself to the newbie. Kalisa shuddered, the boy had to be terrified beyond belief. It was bad enough arriving in a strange place with no memories, but arriving now? With screams piercing your ears and everyone on edge and afraid?

Henry had left the Blood-house a bit ago to shower, leaving Winston and Kalisa to finish off for the day.

"Hey Winston," Kalisa called, deciding that now was her best chance to get some answers to her newest questions.

The olive skinned boy glance up questioningly. "Who's Nick?" Kalisa asked.

A dark look passed over his face and Kalisa instantly regretted asking.

"He- well I guess you could say he was sort of our leader. He died the month before you showed up, Griever attack." Winston said dryly. "It was bad enough that our leader died, but then you showed up. A girl. Alby damn near lost his mind."

"Sorry," Kalisa didn't sound sorry at all.

"Nah, its nothing personal. He was just thrown into the role of leader so suddenly. Imagine having dozens of boys lives in your hands then a girl shows up." Winston shook his head in fascination.

It had to have been scary. Had she been in his place Kalisa truly didn't know what she would have done. She was beginning to form a new found respect for Alby.

"I think you're good for the day." Winston broke the silence after a minute of working. "Go ahead and head off to dinner."

Kalisa hung her apron and stalked off for the Homestead. Around her boys still worked as dinner wasn't exactly ready yet. Kalisa didn't know how she could ever look at her room the same knowing the Glades old leader used to live there.

He used to sleep in the same bed. Use the same trunk. Look out the same window. Maybe be even snuggled up with the colorful quilt on cold nights.

And now he was dead.

And she hadn't even got to meet him.

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