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The next day Kalisa spent working. It had been miserable, Henry was set off by any and everything, while Winston was just quiet. Ben's Banishment still hung over everybodys heads like a dark cloud, darkening moods and dampering spirits.

    When she had first awoken Kalisa noticed Alby was nowhere to be found. When she had asked Newt he informed the girl that he and Minho had set off into the Maze to find the dead Griever.

    The blond boy hadn't seemed to concerned about the ordeal, so Kalisa decided to place her faith in Minho and Alby, hoping that whatever they found would be good.

    "Kalisa?" A voice cut the girl out of her trance. She glanced up to see Winston snapping his fingers in her face. "You listening?"


    The boy sighed, "I was trying to tell you that we're gonna slaughter a cow today."

    "Oh." Kalisa frowned. A cow would be the largest animal she had done yet, and after Ben's Banishment she wasn't sure she would be able to handle it.

    "Don't worry, I'll teach you everything you need to know." Winston stated calmly.

    The next hour Kalisa spent following Winston around the blood house, listening to the boy rant on and on about cows.

    "The important thing to remember is that the main blood vessels in the neck must be severed. It's like that for a lot of big animals, they end up dying from blood loss. It might be gruesome but it's effective." Winston stated, motioning to the front of his own neck.

    After stunning the animal the two managed to tie it up by the ankles in a corner of the shed. Winston passed her a long sword, "You got it,"

Kalisa felt ill as she excepted the weapon and gazed at the animal.

Don't think, just do it.

She raised the sword and slashed it across the cows neck without a moment to think. Red blood splattered like paint across her clothing and face, marking the true gravity of what she'd just done. Kalisa's stomach twisted and she dropped the sword, suddenly feeling faint.

"Well done Kalisa! Look, it's already dead. Quick and easy, right?" Winston grinned, observing the slaughtered animal.

Kalisa set the sword down and started for the exit. "I'm getting some lunch." She said shortly, knowing very well she couldn't eat if she tried.

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