So...ah...long story

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Lindys POV
" story" "I have time" "Oh no, we would miss the bus!?!?" "Are you ok?!?!?" "Well he severely fractured his knee" "And he it's takes 2 months to heal with therapy" Garret adds on to what's I said. "I'm fine" Logan says trying to brush off any more questions. "Ok" And she kisses him. I am still not used to that.

Everyone's hiding something. And it's about Logans knee because he was avoiding all my questions. Tonight is Lindy and Logans Party, ok it's just sleepover at their house with the gang. After we get off the bus I carry Logan's books to class for him because we both have Chemistry first. "Thanks for carrying my books" "no problem" I look at him and smile.
"What do you want to do?" "Truth or dare?" "Vote" everyone's hands rise "that's a first" Lindy and Logans slumber party has just started. "Linds Truth or dare" "truth" I grin deviously. Im the only one who is seeing she is starting to fall for Garett not even she seems to realise yet. "Lindy, pick a person in the room and tell them who your crush is" I know that Delia also likes Garett so I decided to not make this too awkward by letting her chose. "I'm going to tell my twin"

Lindy POV
I can trust Logan. Logan and I go into the living room while the others are in the basement. "Don't tell but I like...Garett" "What!" "Shhh."

Logan POV
Lindy and Garett? Wow. Ok. That's going to take some getting use to. We walk back to the gang. "Ok, Logan your turn" "truth or dare" "truth" I can't really do he dares that well with my injury "Tell Jaz why you got injured" I gave Lindy the are you serious look. "It's better now then later" "Ok,"

Thanks everyone!
Sorry I have updated for a while.
Luv ya!
Bri :D

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