Logans Pain

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Logan's POV
3:49am, still not asleep. The pain is keeping me up. That's it, I'm going to the doctor. School starts in 5 hours and I've had no sleep. I hobble down the stairs. Grab my wallet and go to the train, cause I know I can't drive with this injury or lack of sleep. I finally get to the doctors. After waiting an hour for the doc I finally get in there. They scan my knee and do some tests. "Ok. The results are in. You knee is severely fractured but lucky you won't need surgery. It will take two months with no weight applied and therapy" "Hm." He wraps a bandage, gently but firmly around my knee. I grab some crutches and go back to the train station. Once I get back to my house, I know Lindy will be waking up around now. Our parents are on a 2 month business trip that ends in 15 days. So we're alone. I have to show Lindy my knee. I open I door and make my way to the kitchen. "Hey Lo...LOGAN WHAT HAPPENED!?!?" "You know yesterday, when I fought Dylan, yeah...well...I kinda also fought Owen and he did this to my knee" Her jaw drops to the floor. "Are you ok? And what are mom and dad going to say when they come back to you injured and punched up two guys, one being Your Cousin!?!" "Can we keep it a secret? "What?!?!?....How bad is it?" She helps me over to the table and gives me some breakfast. "Severally fractured, two months, no weight applied and therapy" "No. We are going to have to tell them about your knee" His face drops "Can we just make up a story?" "Logan, no we have to tell them the truth" Her face softens though. "I heard you and Jaz got back together" I smile. "Yeah, but I don't know how to tell her about my knee. She won't forgive herself if she knows it partly her fault"

Lindy POV
Wow. I didn't expect Logan would ever get in a fight. Especially two in one day. I can see he's in pain. Every time he has to move that leg he cringes. KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK "It's open!" "For nothing it looks like something, Logan" Garett comes and sits at the table like he owns the place. "How bad?" Logan explains again. "Wait Garett you knew?" Garett tells me how he saw the fight. Typical Logan, will put the pain off until it really starts to bother him. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK...

Hey guys,
Who else can't wait til the new episode Cheer up girls!
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Luv ya all!
Bri :D

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