What actually happened

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And she said
"GARETT, GARETT, Are you actually going to ask one of of the girls or just stand here daydreaming!?!?"
Oh. I was daydreaming. That's awkward. I walk up to her and this time actually say it. "Will you go on a date with me, Lindy?" I see Delia walk out of the corridor. Have I made the right decision? Yeah well. I've liked her since pre-school. Her beautiful blonde hair flowing over her shoulder and sweet eyes. "You mean like a date, date" "Yeah date, date, met you Rumble Juice at 4" "um...wellRING "See ya tonight have to get to class" I run down the hallway cause I can't be late.

Logan POV
"Lindy?!?!?!?" "I'm even more confused than you" I decide not to tell her about the truth or dare, just in case the relationship is real. Cause that could destroy it that he couldn't go up without a dare.

"Wow." I'm physically speechless. But I go off to find Delis, cause I think I'm the only one who realised she ran off. I smile as my boyfriend catches up to me. "Looking for Delis?" "You noticed she left too?" "Yeah, it was kinda obvious when the door slammed behind her" I grab out my phone.

Jaz: Delis met at my house 2nite for English & need to talk to u.

Delis: k see u 2nite

What happened to Delis???
Hope you guys are liking the story so far!!
Luv ya!
Bri :D

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