~5~ Coffee Date ~5~

Start from the beginning

"I think he has a soft spot for you, pal."
I remember he told me.
"He killed others for less than that."


We didn't talk on our way.
Alastor was calmly humming his soothing 'walking tune'. I was busy with my thoughts and wonders while I let him lead me.

I felt... safe, as weird as it sounds to be while hanging around a psychopathic serial killer. I knew he wouldn't hurt me. Well- he might, but not randomly out of the blue, it seems.

Surprisingly, the demons around stayed away from our path, whispering between themselves.

The surroundings transitioned into calmer, nicer streets, without any ruin or chaos. Maybe it was quickly renovated after the extermination. Maybe it was left untouched by the angels.

Even the demons here seemed friendlier, dressed in a sophisticated manner and waving at us with a friendly smile.

"It's been a long while since I visited Cannibal Town,"
Alastor noted.

E-Excuse me.

After he said that, I noticed the small stains on their clothes and bodies, as well as what some of them were holding- chunks of body parts.

I walked closer to him.

"Oh, don't worry, dear. They are lovely.
I also recall promising to return you with no harm."

Alastor always seemed trustworthy. It only takes to know his true, twisted self to realise that he lies a lot for his own benefit.
A cautious person would not trust him.
But me?
If there's one thing I know about him, is that he always keeps his promises, as long as there are no loopholes for him to play with. Our deal was thorough enough to promise my safety.
So I'll trust him on that.

Alastor opened a door and politely let me in first. I followed him and we took a seat in the far corner. A cannibal waiter approached with a wide smile as Alastor took care of the order.

"What would you like with your drinks? The ears are quite popular this month."
The waiter looked at me.

"No... body parts needed, thank you."
I smiled nervously.

Alastor then spoke to the waiter.
"We'll get two of my usu- Do you remember my usual?"

"Of course, mister radio demon. Good to have you back!"

"Are you sure you don't want a little pinky finger?"
Alastor teased after the waiter left.

I grimaced at him. He laughed.

I looked twice in my coffee before drinking it, making sure no one left an eyeball there.
It was very tasty, I was almost scared to know how it was made.

"I hope the hotel is to your liking,"
Alastor began.
"How's your article been goi-?"

"Oh don't you act like you care about anything other than yourself."
I said assertively.
"I am the one asking the questions here."

Alastor wasn't effected by my disrespect or aggressiveness. It might be on purpose that he chose the meeting to be in a far city, in a relatively isolated table.

Husk was right- the mighty radio demon IS cutting me a lot of slack.

"Y/n dear, by all means, be my guest."

No doubt he is expecting to get something out of me in this conversation as well.

"What's- what's your deal?"

"You've got to be more specific than that. We are both professionals, aren't we?"

He won't spill the beans on anything, it seems.

"How long have you been active in hell as 'the radio demon'?"

"Hmm... I've lost track of time, I must admit. A few good decades, that's for sure."

"You had a break?"

"Yes, I've returned last week from a well-earned sabbatical."

"A year off..."


"Doing what?"

"Nothing of your concern, I assure you."

Okay, so I can't figure out when exactly we died or why he took a break.
Let's get to other, more important topics.

"What is the extant of your powers?"

"That's an interesting question indeed."
He smiled mysteriously.

He's avoiding the answer, but it still technically in terms of the deal.

"What kind of power do you hold over Husk and Niffty?"

"I own their souls."

"Who else?"

"Oh, countless. Amongst them are very powerful overlords."
He was very proud of himself, not missing an opportunity to boast.

"You'd be surprised of how strong a smile, some charm and a bit of manipulation can be."
He smirked in mischief.
"Oh, you must already be aware of how strong it is."

UGH! The way he treats it, as if he had pulled a prank.
This isn't funny, nor a joke. I am tired of him taunting me about how he tricked me into believing he is a fine member of society and not noticing suspicious patterns, even though it was MY JOB as a news reporter to notice such things.

I contemplated on throwing my cup at him, before remembering he is just playing with my nerves for his own amusement, because monsters like him love to see people struggle.

Instead, I put my hands on his- practically pinning them to the table, and leaned forwards.
"Maybe I am aware."
I said in a tone -that honestly surprised me, too- and put a wide grin on my face.

Alastor's eyes widened as he was visibly taken aback.
Finally, caught him off-guard.

I had to step away from my triumph because I became slightly flushed from how close our faces were.

I tried to recover and ask the finale question. Alastor recovered, too, yet his demeanour seemed less careless than before.

"AHEM- Now that you've returned, what are your plans other than helping with the hotel?"

His fingers tapped on the table, dangerously close to my sweating hands.
"That thing on top of the hotel? That's my recording studio."

He drew his hand away when his fingers accidentally touched mine.

"I've returned, and so shall my radio show. With slightly less screams of terror from torn souls, that is."


"...and thennnn he ask-asked me to jOin himm..."
I slurred to Angel dust and Husk at the bar.

Husk was mindlessly cleaning a mug.

"I said I'd thiiiiiiiiink about thaaaaaaaat.
I DO need to find somewhere to p-p-publish my articleeeeee."

"...you know, you could've just... asked LITERALLY ANYONE about him without striking a deal."
Angel dust pointed out.

"Awww bummer..."
I was saying out loud any stray thought in my mind.
"I- I'm dumbbb. And now I have to let him hang around meeee."

I finished my cup.

"But it's okayyyy, I supposeeeee."

I was prepared to pass out on the counter.

"Al is cute. I l-like himmm..."

You Again ~ Alastor [Hazbin Hotel] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now