~15~ Rosie ~15~

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"Al, what the hell was THAT."
I demanded, as Charlie and Vaggie were talking nearby.

We were all sitting uselessly in the lobby, and I noticed that Alastor disappeared.
I naturally assumed he went to check on Charlie, but I didn't expect him to strike a DEAL with her.

I started sensing that something was off when the air felt colder all the sudden.
It was a familiar chill, but by the time I remembered my experience with agreeing for a deal with Alastor, a bright green light flashed through the ceiling.

Vaggie and I BOOKED it upstairs.

"Now now, no need to get nervous.
This is merely a harmless little agreement between business partners."

"A DEAL. Not an agreement. I am sorry, but seems like you took advantage of her state. What could you possibly want from the damn princess of hell that she wouldn't have verbally agreed to in a different time?"
I questioned.

"Y/n my dearest, I've simply struck a small deal in exchange for information. In return, I get a favour in which she harms no one."
He shrugged.
"Moreover, I am going to do above and beyond! I'll be taking our beloved princess to rally up an army, look."

He gestured towards the crumbling relationship.

"...we might have a chance."
Charlie insisted.

"With just the seven of us?"
Vaggie mentioned.

"No, we're- ugh, we're going to need numbers too."

"And I know just who can help!
As long as Charlie can be her normal, charming self."
Alastor announced, dragging me in by my hand.

"What's that you said about smiles?"
She tried to put on one.

"Good girl."
He pet her head. I tried not to mind that comment too much.
Besides, it'll be completely embarrassing to ask for head-pets for myself.

"Charlie, can we talk about this-?"
Vaggie started, worrying.

"We can talk later. Right now, we have a job to do. You with us?"

Vaggie sighed.
There's no doubt Charlie's attitude towards her girlfriend was colder than ever before.

"Where are we going, Al?"
I asked as Charlie approached.

"Oh, you know the place, darling.
There's someone I've been waiting to introduce to you."
He linked his arms with both of ours, and there we went on our way.

As we walked, I hesitated if I wanted to bring this up. Charlie still looked quite tense from the reveal. It shocked me, too, but from my experience with Vaggie- she is extremely trustworthy and doesn’t pose any danger.

I looked beyond Al's shoulder.
"Are you okay, Charlie? You seem very-"

She snapped.

"Three years I've been sharing my life with her, and I tell her EVERYTHING!
My hopes, my dreams, my insecurities, my embarrassing habits, what fucking DEODORANT I like, and she keeps something, like this, from ME???"

Oh, Charlie. You have no idea how much I relate. Someone close to me indeed hid a dark secret from me.

I glanced at Alastor. He was annoyed by her endless complaining.

"Why would she lie for so long? Did she think I wouldn't accept her? What about me- ME! -says un-understanding?
...misunderstanding...? ...dis-under..."
Charlie paused.

You Again ~ Alastor [Hazbin Hotel] (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now