Part Nineteen: The Chemistry Test! Kanae's Hometown!

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◇ Kanae woke up on the day of the chemistry exam at five in the morning as usual. She washed herself, ate her breakfast, brushed her teeth, then prepared her bag and went to Akane’s house, where the friends had agreed to meet together. There was no sign of anxiety on her face, and when she arrived, she found all Her friends had arrived early

Kanae: Good morning, friends. Am i late?

Hana: No, we arrived early

Ken: Let's go!

◇The friends set off towards the academy

Akane: Kanae, I'm glad you're okay

Mary: Kanae is not weak, Akane, I know her well

Osage: I hope for Kanae to defeat Orochimaru-sensei today as well as she did in the previous exam.

Youka: I'm sure she will

Remo: Guys, please stay calm. This test will not be easy. We have to focus and calm down. He must try to deceive us. We have to be smarter than him.

Sumi: I hope that a miracle will happen and that the test will go well

Youka: Trust your efforts, guys. Our effort will not be in vain, I believe in that

◇Meanwhile, they met Kaminari, who was also on his way to the academy to encourage his friends

Kaminari: Hey guys, how are you doing now?

Youka: We're fine, we tried our best

Kanae: I'm more than fine. In fact, I can't wait to confuse that red-horned white snake with my answers like I did in geography.

Mary: Kanae! Don't be tempted!

Osage: Yes, excessive self-confidence can turn against its owner

Kaminari: They're right, Kanae, but I'm very happy that you're reassured and excited about the test.

Osage and Ken: I don't *bored sigh*

Remo: What did you say? Let me hear me again

Osage and Ken: We said, and I did! *with fear*

Kaminari: *laughs* Don't worry, I heard Youka say that your efforts won't be in vain, and I'm sure he won't, don't worry

Akane: Guys, there is something I heard since the Japanese language test, and I did not tell you so as not to make you angry, but the matter has become provocative and cannot be tolerated at all.

Youka: What's going on? Akane?

Akane: I think that......the other seven committees ........

Remo: What's wrong with them?

Akane: They... they... *nervously*

Hana: Speak up, Akane! what's the problem?

Kaminari: Akane! Are you Okay?

Akane: My cousin Koori [こおり in Japanese, meaning (ice)] is taking his exams in Hall 7, and he tells me that they ....... allow them to cheat.

Kanae, Youka, Kaminari: *screaming* What?!

Remo: This is completely unethical and also unfair

Mary: Why is this committee in particular cheating?!

Akani: They are not the only ones, but I have acquaintances in the other committees, and they told me the same thing

Sumi: This means that only our committees don't cheat!

Kanae: But why?! Did they pay a bribe or something?

Akane: Not everyone. There are those who pay bribes, there are those who cheat through one of their relatives, and there are those who deceive in order to cheat.

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