part fourteen: Tests have begun!

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◇Kanae and her friends were making a wonderful and very great effort studying in the last days before the beginning of the exams and throughout the school year.

◇ Tests have begun! The first ten days of exams passed, and they were oral, written, and practical exams in the sciences and arts of ninja. Kanae did very well, as did her friends, and they were very happy with this result. On the twenty-eighth of June, the eight friends came out of the academy. The last Ninja Arts and Sciences test, which was the “Ninja Weapons” test, was at twelve noon, and happiness and joy were on their faces, on their way to Sumi’s house to practice the Japanese language.

Sumi: I can not believe what my eyes have seen since the beginning of the exams. This is the first time that I have found the exams so easy , and Kanae... was more than wonderful.

Hana: What I don't believe is Kanae's level. Did you see her performance during the oral and practical exams? This was indescribably wonderful! It is rare to find someone with this performance

Osage: I can't believe she almost fatally injured Raku-sensei during the practical tests!

Kanae: *She tensed and felt very guilty towards Raku-sensei, but she remembered Kaminari's words to her* (Chapter 7)

Ken: Oh man! This is the first time I have seen someone master the use of a katana (Japanese sword) in such a very short period of time! It's absolutely amazing

Remo: Everyone did well, and I am sure that most of us got the full marks in the tests we all took.

Youka: I'm so proud of you, Kanae. You may not be the strongest, but you always manage to amaze me.

Akane: Your chakra control is absolutely amazing, and you use all the elements of nature (water, fire, light, earth, and air).

Hana: You're also fast, smart, and graceful !

Remo: You will have a bright future, Kanae

Ken: Yeah, you're amazing, girl! I still can't believe what I saw in your practical sword test performance. You must believe in yourself and be proud of your rare abilities.

Osage: Yes, you are special and wonderful

Ken: What's wrong, Kanae? Why do you not speak?

Kanae: Nothing, I'm just thinking about taking the Japanese oral test in four days

Sumi: Don't worry, Kanae, you're one of the most hardworking people I know, I don't expect anything less than a full mark from you.

Kanae: But Japanese is not my mother tongue, so I.......

Akane: Don't be afraid, girl. You may have been speaking Japanese for only a few months, but you have become very skilled at it.

Youka: Yes, Akane is completely right. It is not only that you learned Japanese and mastered it in record time, but that you memorized all the kanji and practised the language every day.

Kanae: Every day?!

Yuuka: Of course, and you're doing this right now! We speak to each other in Japanese. Isn't this training and strengthening the Japanese language?

Kanae: I think you're right

Osage: Even if your Japanese is not at the required level, it is impossible for you to be worse than Orochimaru-sensei.

Ken, Akane, Hana, and Youka: *laughter*

Kanae and Youka: What do you mean?

Usagi: “Konithththththththiwa, mina-ssssssssssssssan!” *Imitates Orochimaru-sensei with a sarcastic and funny look* (The sentence means good morning, everyone)

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