Part Thirteen: Final Review Plan!

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◇ The next morning, everyone met in front of Sumi's house and went to the academy. Yoko-sensei's lecture was that day, and they had a very important conversation on the way to the academy.

Youka: We have to start the final revision plan. The school year has already passed, and the exams are about to start

Sumi: You're right. We have to start making a plan

Hana: I heard the exam schedule will be released today

Remo: Yes, that's true. I met Raku-sensei in the library two days ago and he confirmed this news to me, but there is very bad news.

Kanae: What's going on?

Remo: Orochimaru-sensei is the one who will set the exam questions for all the subjects

(Everyone): What?! *in extreme shock*

Ken: You've got to be kidding me!

Osage: Everything but that bastard!

Hana: I think I won't be able to join the university this year

Akane: I agree with you, I think we should assassinate him

Youka: *laughs hard*

Kanae: Everyone calm down!

Sumi: *wipes her tears*

Kanae: We will not surrender in front of that man. We will do our best and do everything we can until the end. We will not allow anyone to intimidate us.

◇ Youka, Ken, Remo, and Hana looked at her with a look of pride and appreciation

Akane: Kanae-chan is right

Osage: Does this mean you won't burn him alive?

Akane: *laughed*

Ken: Do you have a plan?

Kanae: Yes

Remo: Great! What is it ?

Kanae: Shall we meet at Youka's house after the school day ? We can't explain the plan at the academy. A dishonest person might hear us.

Hana: Good idea

◇ Everyone entered the lecture, and Yoko-sensei entered five minutes later, and as soon as she entered, everyone remained silent.

Yoko-sensei: Good morning, students. Orochimaru-sama, the head of your class and the official in charge of education in the empire, has released the exam schedule for this year.

Yoko-sensei: The exams will begin on the twentieth of June and will end on the twenty-first of July. Orochimaru-sama will set the questions in all subjects for this year, except for the ninja arts, which will be set by Raku-sensei, and now I will show you the schedule that Posted by Orochimaru-sama, I wish you all success

 Orochimaru-sama will set the questions in all subjects for this year, except for the ninja arts, which will be set by Raku-sensei, and now I will show you the schedule that Posted by Orochimaru-sama, I wish you all success

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◇ Everyone wrote down the schedule, and then Yoko-sensei started explaining, and at one o'clock, the school day ended

Sumi: You told us that you have a plan, what is it?

Kanae: I'd rather wait until we get to Youka's house, and I'll tell you

◇ Everyone arrived at Youka's house

Hana: What's your plan, Kanae?

Kanae: We have to step up the review a lot, since Orochimaru-sama is the one who will set the questions for all the tests, this means that all the tests are very expected to be difficult so I have an idea to raise our level

Akane: What is it?

Kanae: I suggest we expand our circle of knowledge using this *she opened her bag and took out a lot of books*

Youka: Oh my God! *watches her as she organizes the books*

Sumi: Did you buy all this?

Kanae: No, I printed them from the Internet and wrote a final study schedule as well. As for those unprinted books, yes, I bought them.

Usagi: Don't tell me the plan is to solve all these exercise books!

Kanai: Yes, it is

Ken: Damn it!

Remo: She's right. Three different workbooks in each subject is the minimum effort you have to put in to pass Orochimaru-sensei's exams.

Osage: He must be outside the galaxy now looking for exam questions

◇Everyone laughed hard and voted, and the friends agreed to implement Kanae's plan, and they began to study and study hard.

Kanae: Let us pledge now to review diligently, without getting tired or bored, and to solve as many questions as possible and to make our best efforts and not allow circumstances to be stronger than us. We will not allow anyone or anything to intimidate us, and we will stand up to everything. Odds are, even Orochimaru-sensei himself!

Everyone: Agreed!

◇Days passed. The friends studied for hours and hours straight, solving many questions and equations from many books and from the Internet as well. Kaminari was helping them with that. They were training hard and doing their best, day and night, without getting tired or bored. They challenged fear and tension, and they faced colours of difficulties. The nine friends stayed up all night in front of books and exercises, in order to achieve their big dreams, and there was only one week left until the exams, and the friends were making an effort, which was great, to say the least.

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