part nine: The great party

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◇ On the evening of January 18th, the training was cancelled because the training grounds were undergoing repairs.

◇ Kanae had finished studying the Japanese language, and she had also finished studying Mochizuki Akira's Ninja Art series and had advanced a lot in physics

◇ Kanae found a message from Youka on her phone at seven in the evening after she finished her studies, so she grabbed her phone and opened the message

⚜️Online chat⚜️

Youka: Hi, Kanae! I missed you

Kanae: Konbanoa! Yuuka! [Good evening in Japanese]

Yuuka: Wow! You've mastered Japanese, that's great

Kanae: Yes, I passed the 10 exams on the site I'm studying on today, and passed with an "excellent" grade.

Youka: I'm really very happy for you, and proud of you too

Kanae: Rather, thank you and the friends. If it weren't for your constant encouragement and help, I wouldn't have accomplished anything

Youka: Rather, you're wonderful

Youka: Oh,  right, I wanted to tell you that training will be cancelled for another full week

Kanae: Oh, that's unfortunate

Youka: That punch you hit on the ground was so strong, you almost destroyed the city *laughing face emoji*

Kanae: Yeah, your arm, Hana's, and Usagi's leg were broken that day, and Sumi's back was hurt.

Youka: Yes, but she's fine now. Her body has a great ability to heal quickly from any illness or injury

Kanae: What about you? Are you okay now?

Youka: Yeah, don't worry

Youka: May I ask a question?

Kanae: Of course, ask what you want

Yuuka: How long do you have left in your physics series?

Kanae: Just one last chapter on tomorrow's schedule with my studies on advanced and dangerous techniques

Youka: That's amazing, Kanae. I can't believe you haven't given up and are still trying to study it. It's so complicated

Kanae: Yeah, but it's so much fun nonetheless, I'm even trying to decipher the Royal Diamond Eyes

Youka: Whaaaaaaaaassssssssaaaat?! Are you serious, the only creature that succeeded in activating this technique was a shinobi called "Otsuka Ryu" and he was called the King of Beasts because of his strength, and he was from Fukushima village next to Sakura

Kanae: I know, but nothing is impossible. As Akira-sama said in the last line of his book series, "Be honest and believe in yourself, for there is no impossible."

Youka: You're right! I will also study harder to become a great dentist

Kanae: Do your best, buddy, I'm sure you'll be the best

Youka: Thank you

Kanae: Don't forget to train at home, too much time without training is not good

Youka: Okay, I will. Thank you

Kanae: Well, I have to go to sleep now. Good night

Youka: Good night

◇ 3 days have passed since this conversation between Kanae and Youka, and Kanae is studying physics and ninja science with great effort as usual, and on the twenty-one of January, precisely at two in the evening

◇ Kanae had just finished her housework and practised and studied Japanese, and got a phone call from "Sumi"

Kanae: It's Sumi... *Kanae answers the phone*

Kanae: Hello

Sumi: Hi Kanae, how are you?

Kanae: I'm fine, what about you and the rest of your friends?

Sumi: I'm fine, I called to invite you to go out with me today, what do you think?

Kanae: Of course, but where?

Sumi: This is a surprise! You will find out

Kanae: Surprise?!

Sumi: I'll come to you in two hours to pick you up

Kanae: *surprised* Okay, I will

♤ Kanae prepared herself and waited for her friend, and after two hours, Sumi arrived at Kanae's house and knocked on the door, and Kanae opened the door

Sumi: Hi, you look beautiful today

Kanae: Thank you, Sumi, you look great, but where are we going?

Sumi: It's a surprise, as I told you, you'll find out soon

Kanae: Well...

◇ Kanae went with Sumi, and they kept walking for a while until they reached a certain point, and Sumi stopped walking

Kanae: What? What's wrong? Why did you suddenly stop?

Sumi: I know it's a strange request, but would you please wear this for a while? *takes out a blindfold from her bag*

Kanae: *laughs* Okay, I will

◇ Kanae put on the blindfold, and Sumi helped her walk until they reached somewhere

Sumi: I'll take off the blindfold from you now .Sumi begins to untie the blindfold, and Kanae hears the sound of a countdown of many people*

Voice: 10....9....8....7....6....5....4....3....2....1

◇Sumi removed Kanae's blindfold

Everyone: Surprise! happy birthday!

◇The friends had prepared a big party for their friend

◇Happiness and joy appeared on her face, and her eyes filled with tears

Hana: Happy birthday, Kanae ! Hugs her*

Kanae: Thank you guys, but how did you know it was my birthday!

Youka: Do you remember when I first met you?

♦️ What happened that day ♦️

◇ Kanae was lost and did not know the way, and in the meantime, she bumped into someone and fell on the ground

Youka: I'm so sorry, miss, are you okay? (Speaking Japanese)

Kanae: *nervously responds in English because she doesn't speak Japanese well* A-ah-yeah, I'm fine. Sorry about that, I wasn't paying attention to the way

● When Kanae fell, her ID card fell to the ground, and Youka picked it up and gave it to her

✨️ the present ✨️

Kanae: Haaa, that's it then. Thank you very much, guys

◇ The friends started enjoying the party together and continued until nine in the evening

Kanae: That was the most wonderful day in my entire life. No one has celebrated my birthday since I was five. Thank you guys so much.

Kaminari: No need to thank us

Osage: We love you and will always be by your side

Remo: I love you so much

Kanae: And I love you so much

Kaminari: Well, it's almost dark, we have to leave now

◇ The day passed, and the party ended. It was the most wonderful birthday party for Kanae. No one had ever celebrated her like this before. Everyone returned to their homes. Kanae was overwhelmed with happiness and elation. It was the first time in many years that she felt that someone cared about her. Or someone  remembers her birthday, she fell asleep, and the new school year  was about to start

{end of chapter}

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