part 11: The eight friends Plan

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◇ Three months had passed since the beginning of school in the empire. The friends were studying together and Kanae was working very hard in studying and training. She could not join the university because it was required that she obtain an education from Sakura Academy first, and Kanae always obtained very high grades in Weekly exams, all her friends were proud of her and happy for her

Yuuka: Let's hurry, we don't want to be late

Kanae: Let's go

Usagi: Kanai!

Hannah: Hey guys!

Kanae: Good morning, guys

♧ On their way to the academy

Usagi: Kanae, how did you get the final grade on all of Orochimaru-sensei's exams! He's a big scoundrel. It's rare for anyone to get a final grade on a test

Kanae: I don't know, but I've found his physics and chemistry tests easy so far

Ken: Kanae-chan, I'm afraid Usagi will envy you *he said laughing and joking with his cousin*

Reimu: Don't say that, Ken. Usagi is a good man, and he loves everyone's good. He is never jealous of her.

Usagi: Of course, Kanae is my little sister and I always wish her well and success

Sumi: Even though your grades are not satisfactory at all, you should work harder *meaning Ken and Usagi*

Yuuka: That's right, your chemistry grades are more than disappointing

Ken: Guys, don't worry, I promise you will get higher grades

Usagi: I can't promise that, I hate studying so much

Remo: What? I didn't hear what you said! *Remo heard him but wanted to joke with him*

Usagi: *scared* I promise to get higher grades

Yuuka, Hana, Kanae, Sumi, and Ken: *laughs hard*

Hana: We're here!

◇ The seven friends arrived at the hall, where they met Akane, and they all sat in the first row

Akane: Guys, it's Orochimaru-sensei's lecture today

🔹️Note: Sensei means (teacher) in Japanese

Ken: Damn it, don't remind me

Remo: Guys, show him some respect, he's our teacher after all

Ken: Yes, it is, you're right

Sumi: I heard he's not the one correcting

Yuuka: Yes, other professors correct

●Orochimaru-sensei entered the hall and could barely hide his anger

Usagi: What's wrong with him today, this is very strange

Orochimaru-sensei: The students whose names I will mention ranked in the top ten at the academy level this month

Ken: You understand now? *Friends stifle their laughter*

● Orochimaru-sensei began to list the names of the top ten

Remo: That's great!

● Orochimaru-sensei was interrupted by the voices that began to grow louder inside the hall

Orochimaru-sensei: Congratulations to the first ones, with my best wishes for everyone's success

Orochimaru-sensei: But do not think that the results of the tests indicate anyone’s superiority or lack thereof, things will get more difficult from now on.

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