Part Eighteen: Geography Test! What?!

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●I apologize for suspending publication in the previous period. We will continue publishing a chapter every Wednesday as before without interruption, God willing.

◇ On the morning of the geography test, Kanae woke up at five as usual, ate her breakfast, prepared herself and her bag, and left her house at seven to five, heading to Mary's house to meet her friends and head with them towards the academy. When she arrived, she found Youka, Remo, and Hana. Osage, Mary, and Ken are there

Kanae: Good morning... everyone! *shivers violently*

●Everyone looked around anxiously

Youka: Morning... Oh my God! Kanae! What is with you?!

Hana: Calm down, Kanae! You'll hurt yourself!

Osage: Girl, you look like you were in the freezer!

Kanae: Orochimaru-sensei...the test must be...

Remo: Kanae! *grabs Kanae's hand* Everything will be fine! You did a great job!

Youka: Kanae! Orochimaru-sensei is known as a notorious man in the entire empire, and everyone knows that he is an unjust man. The most important thing is that you try

Mary: Don't worry, Kanae, calm down. We are all here with you and will never leave you

Ken: Kanae-chan! Calm down! Please

◇ Meanwhile, Sumi, Akane, and Kaminari arrived and noticed that something strange was happening

Kaminari: What happened! is everything alright?!

Kanae: Yes...sorry...I'm

Sumi: Shhh! I know you are scared, we are all with you! Do not be afraid!

Akane: Don't worry! We studied from about 5 or 6 books, in addition to the Internet, paper and electronic tests, lectures, and maps. You always get impressive grades.

Kanae: I have a bad feeling *shivers*

Kaminari: Kanae! Stop this! You will take the test! And you will thwart that white snake with your wonderful answers that always amaze us!

Ken: Yes! You are almost the person who received the most perfect marks in our group throughout our study period this year!

Mary: Kanae-san! Please don't be afraid, we have to go now. Believe me, everything will be fine

Osage: Yes, come on, and one day, I promise I will beat him until he swells till he becomes balled like an orange.

◇Kanae laughed, and the friends continued their way towards the academy, and when they arrived....

Kaminari: Kanae! I want you to promise me not to be afraid and to do your best every time

Kanae: I promise you that, Kaminari! And I'm sorry I scared you today

Yuuka: No need to be sorry! Everyone sometimes feels afraid. It's normal

Reimu: Except for Usagi, he's never afraid about studying *kidding*

Ken: What! But Usagi is always...

Remo: You're actually more negligent than your cousin *kidding*

Usagi: What?!

Akane, Yuuka, Sumi, and Kanae: *laughing*

Kaminari: Okay! It's time for the oral exam! Relax and don't worry at all, and remember that you all did your best

Hannah: Thank you! Kaminari!

◇ The oral exam has begun! As usual, the students entered the hall one by one in alphabetical order to take the oral exam. Signs of sadness and anger appeared on the students' faces after their oral exam. It was Kanae's turn to take the exam. She entered and was literally trembling, but Yuuka called her and said to her: "You can! Kanae!" He smiled gently, which calmed Kanai's mind a little, so I entered the hall and found Orochimaru-sensei sitting in the middle, with Minato-sensei on his right and Yoko-sensei on his left.

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