part ten: The first day in Sakura Academy

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◇On the morning of February 1st, specifically at five in the morning, Kanae woke up very excited for her first day of studying at the academy. She ate her breakfast and prepared herself and her bag. She was excited and nervous at the same time, and she agreed with Youka, Hana, and Osage that they would meet at Youka's house to go hang out at eight

At ten minutes past eight, Kanae arrived in front of Youka's house, followed by Hana and Osage, and at eight, Youka came out of his house and met them.

Youka: Hey guys, I missed you

Hana: Hello, Youka

Osage: Damn, do I really have to go?

Kanae: Osage, stop being lazy *hit him jokingly*

Youka: Let's go...

◇They were about to start moving until they were hit by someone running very fast

A girl: Clear the way!

(Kanae, Hana, Youka, Osage): Who the He** is this...... *they fell to the ground*

Osage: I bet my life that it's Remo

Hana and Kanae: *laughs loudly*

Osage: I bet my life that it is Remo, and I also bet that she runs to arrive early and sit in the first row of the stands.

◇The four friends started their way to the academy

Youka: Kanae! Are you ready to get a higher rank ?

Kanae: Yes, but what's wrong with that professor?

Osage: What, professor?

Kanae: The one with the red horns

Hana: Yes. Orochimaru-sensei, he has a very bad temper. He always does his best to make things difficult for people.

Kanae: But why?

Youka: He's a very bad person, but we have to respect him because he's our teacher

Osage: Do you think his childhood was difficult?

Hana: No, that's not a good enough reason

Kanae: I hope he doesn't try to harass us because I'm trying to get an excellent grade

Hana: I wish you success

Yuuka: Oi (أوي, おい, which is a way to call people in Japanese) Osage, do you think Remo has reached the hall? *He said laughing*

Osage: When it comes to studying, Remo is faster than Kaminari himself!

Hana: *laughs so hard* Oh my God! You are right

Youka: We've arrived, come on, the lecture starts in half an hour

◇The friends entered the lecture hall and sat in their seats. The four friends sat close to each other, and Kanae noticed a colleague of hers carrying three swords.

Kanae: Youka! Are there samurai in Sakura Village?

Youka: No, why?

Kanae: That blond boy carries three swords!

Youka: *looks at where Kanae is pointing* It's Ken!

Osage, Hana: Ken!

◇ The boy turned around and saw Youka, Hana, and Osage

Ken: Hey guys, I missed you so much

Youka: Kanae! He's Ken, he's a friend, and he's Osage's cousin

Ken: Welcome, Kanae-san. Nice to meet you. My name is Yamamoto Ken, I'm a swordsman from Sakura Village!

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