Arc 3 (1)

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Greed. Is it a curse or a blessing? Just because it is a sin, does it have to be a curse? Don't people gain wealth because of it? Doesn't it pave a way to happiness or did you think it was all determination? What if I said that determination is an acceptable way of knowing greed? If so, then why a sin?

Then....what if you are 'determined' to 'want' something that wasn't yours nor will be but it is an absolute need of yours? What does it become now? 'Determination' or 'Greed'? Again. One loved you for this 'need', while one betrayed you for the same. Which will you consider greed? All comes to one point. The one who lied the sweetest was 'determined' while the one who forgot to name it a 'need' gained the tag of being 'greedy'. So want to see a beautiful embroidery of love made from threads of 'greed', 'need', 'determination' and 'lies'?


The cold silver light of the moon penetrated the sinister house that was shrouded in the hideous darkness of the night as usual. The transparent glass window revealed a stunning lady with a white dove on her shoulder. Bathing in the gentle moonlight, the lips of the woman ticked up in a mocking smile.

Claire glanced at the gloomy figure lying at her feet. It was a soul that wasn't able to find peace. The heart was ripped out of its living body causing its death. The soul had deep black hole at that place. The body was covered with scars, new and old.

"What do you want to do now?" Claire asked in a freezing cold tone. The soul lifted its head and stared at her with dull eyes deprived of the gorgeous hazel colour it once held. In an indifferent voice it stated, "I just want to observe him. Though he knows most, he doesn't know the whole." "You intend to help him then?" The pale white face sneered, "No. I want to see him die without knowing the reason."

The soul was of a siren. Yes. Precisely. In a scientific world, the presence of sirens and other mythical creatures was unimaginable. But scientific or not, the world holds secrets deeper than what is known. Evolution of species made the last bit of their population to gain a human figure and blend with the society.

 Their true face could only be revealed by the purest and clearest water surface while bronze daggers no more worked against them now. However troublesome features that remained and were gained were that the sirens still longed for love and that they would reveal scales all over their body once they came in contact with water. 

So ironically, they had to stay far away from water so as to not reveal their existence. Each one of the remaining siren had a lover even with the high risk of getting exposed.

Contrary to the myths, their human figures possessed stunning features along with eyes that held the coldness and sharpness like snakes, able to entice anyone with a single look. While each and every one them owned straight black hair.

 Possession of such beauty made it possible for some of them to enter the entertainment world and rising to stardom. However each and every one of those maintained the same trait- indifference to the world. Acting or singing wasn't difficult as they were once mythical creatures known for deception and hypnosis. 

Even without feeling their characters they could act without hitch. Their singing no longer had any hypnotic effect and just remained as melodious now.

That soul called Alisa was a famous singer as well. Bearing all the features of an evolved siren, she had gained millions of fans with her melodious voice. And she had a lover too whom she had met two years before her death. James Halten was a researcher in the medical field. They had met when she had invested in a large scale project to find treatments of most of the incurable diseases. After the most awkward dazed face James had shown her when they first met, they had gotten closer with each passing day and finally confirmed their relationship after six months of silent love.

For the first three months of dating James, Alisa was smitten by his considerate and gentle personality. Being a siren, her need for love was fulfilled perfectly when she was with him. Although not openly romantic, he was able to make her feel comfortable and relaxed around him. Adorably, James was fond of conversations revolving around science. Whenever he would tell Alisa some interesting facts about diseases and what not, the simple words would go deeper and deeper until Alisa could only understand the helping verbs in his sentences. However, she never disrupted his excitement. His eyes would be filled with stars of imagination and endless knowledge. She would just make a sound of agreement from time to time while she amusedly looked at his flushed with excitement face. This would go on until he would abruptly stop and turn to look at her with a heated gaze as if she was a precious treasure. Lasting only for a split second, they would laugh heartily together after that.

But did she hear exactly all he had said........?

After one year of experiencing deep love, things started turning wrong. And before she knew it, James stood in front of her dying body with endless greed and madness in his eyes as he said, "Hey little siren, prove yourself useful to humanity, yeah?"

From that point on, she couldn't remember all the hellish things she went through before her heart was finally ripped out of her body, killing her through the unbearable pain. And here she was now. Waiting for his demise. Myths were still half the truth after all. Just like how one didn't know the use of a siren's scales and heart, one also didn't know the consequences. A mythical monster was still a monster after all. And a monster in human skin was more of a danger, no?

Show them greed, they show the 'craving', show them lies, they show 'illusion'. Why not leisurely watch an amusing show now? A web of lies......who said the victim can't weave one? 

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