Arc 1 (2)

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Before he could even step out of the area around the house, unknowingly, he was back at the door of the house, again facing that lady. He still had his wide stupid grin on his face while the lady's smile was gone and she was staring at him, for the first time, with a surprised, confused and an extremely hateful look in her freezing cold dead eyes.

After so many years, about a thousand years after, had Claire met such an idiot who didn't even bother looking at the nameplate on the door before assuming that it was not his house! She was confused whether this person had a different personality than this idiotic and ignorant one. What surprised her more was, even the thoughts of this person were so simplistic and ridiculous, that she was actually having hard time to stop a hearty laugh! Did such clowns really exist in this cruel world?

But Claire knew better. She had already had enough experience to safely conclude that this person wasn't what he looked or acted like, for she knew one thing evidently- A smiling demon is worse than a glaring one.

She was definitely not going to spare the life of such a monster in human skin. She would have her fun, first observing that smile falling off, then slowly destroying that mask and finally shattering that vicious soul without a trace left.

Her fury, however, rooted from a single reason- Raven, who had the exact same personality as Evan when they first met, but the difference was, at that time she was unable to hear the actual thoughts of Raven while Evan's thoughts were basically overflowing into her, which was starting to get quite annoying as the thoughts were loudly saying or rather screaming- "Oh My God!!!!!!!!!!!! Wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-what is going on??????!!!!! Wh-wh-wh-wh- what's ha-ha-ha-ppening???????!!! That scared the soul out of me!!!!!!!!! Ouchhh!!!!!!"

Well, the thoughts were actually displayed in the actions of Evan. He had staggered and fallen with a thud in front of the door, grimacing in pain, after suddenly facing that awfully pale yet beautiful face. He was sincerely thinking how exactly he was back at the door when he had clearly turned around to leave!

His soul had almost come out of his mouth making his face look like as if he had seen a ghost, which was exactly correct, though he hadn't realized it yet. The cold stare he was getting from that dead pair of emerald eyes, which now had a hint of excitement and joy that a child had when he/she had gotten hold of a new toy, deepened his fear which had only rooted from shock, while the smile that was shown to him was nothing less than a predator smiling at its prey with sympathy, making his soul shiver in terror.

His instincts were almost screaming and telling him to get up, turn around and run without taking a single look back! Run for his life! However, for some reason, he wasn't even able move his hands and feet, as if someone had nailed him right then and there. With how the situation was, he was already drenched in cold sweat. Thankfully his mind was still working, or else, his pants which were already soaked with sweat might have had something else dripping into them.

Claire, seeing her prey trembling under her gaze, couldn't help feeling extreme pleasure as she looked forward to the fun yet to come. She couldn't help imagining how his behaviour would change over time, how his expressions would be when no one believed his suffering, that was going to be so much fun! Feeling ecstatic, she revealed a deathly smile which had already kicked out Evan's soul out of his body.

What romance?! He would die the moment he sees this deathly pale face at night! Forget night dates, he might go into coma any moment in even the daytime! Evan couldn't help but feel disappointed as well as fear at the same time. was just his rotten luck with women being activated. Nothing else. Sigh...

Just as he was about to try standing up again, the beautiful lady in front of him stepped towards him. His mind went blank. He was about to faint out of fear and then probably send his soul to ask the god what exactly had he done wrong??!!!

God damn it!!!!! Why was she now walking towards him?!! Was it not enough that she had already stared at him with a demonic smile and a gaze filled with killing intent, that now she wanted to personify her intent?! It had to be that! He definitely blabbered out his perverted thoughts! That had to be it! That had to be the only reason why she had started her evolution to a demon! Wasn't it a common belief among men that women hide a devil under their elegant face?! (Though that wasn't actually true) Such rotten luck! He actually provoked out the hidden demon!!! Oh no!!

"Mother, Father, my dearest elder brother, please forgive me for dying because of such a disgraceful reason." Evan thought, finally realising the reality. (T-T)

Claire's head was starting to throb. She couldn't bear the fast flowing dim-witted thoughts anymore. She walked up to the house door to flip it and show this idiot his name. She got to leave him alone for sometime or rather stay away from him until her headache was treated. "This idiot! Just you wait. You won't be able to even think once I recover!" thought Claire hatefully as she started massaging her head and walking inside the house once she showed Evan his name.

Seeing his name on the door, a sense of relief came over him, but soon a fear worse than the fear of death took its place.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait! What?! No! I must've seen wrong! This lady didn't just walk in leisurely into the house with the name of mine, right?! Yeah it must be my hallucination! It has to be it! Of course she doesn't live in this house, right?! No way she could be my housemate, right?!! I freaking bought this house!!!! Why would she live here then?!!! God just tell me what I just saw wasn't reality!! Just tell me!! Tell me it's not true!!!!!! No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" till the last part tears where excitedly rolling down his cheeks.

Good luck! Teehee!

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