Arc 1 (6)

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Seeing and hearing all this, Evan froze. Not with fear, not with shock. His eyes immediately turned terrifyingly lifeless and he began trembling uncontrollably. 

Touching the book which was in the hands of the boy, he felt a wave of feelings, memories, and shattered visions tearing his mind like thousands of needles as a throbbing headache slowly rose to the unbearable limit, making Evan faint on the spot due the pain.

Something was crazily wrong. Claire was confused beyond words. The visions which had started to fill her mind in shreds didn't make any sense. It was just not possible. How could her judgement ever be wrong?!

The shreds, if were properly put together, would clearly show the truth, but it would not be a mere truth anymore.

Claire didn't want to acknowledge everything that happened and went into a violent outburst of anger, as the whole house got filled with a cold, freezing, murderous and deathly aura. Evan just lay there in the corridor like a lifeless corpse, ignorant of everything, just surrounded by darkness and silence.

Morning sun rays filled the house as a new day started. Evan, who was lying in the corridor the whole night, groggily opened his eyes which were continuously poked by the bright sunlight. Yawning, he stood up, wondering how he ended up in the corridor. 

No matter how hard he tried to remember, he only remembered that he had gone to the kitchen last night to find some food. After that there was nothing else in his memory that explained his situation. He strangely felt empty, as if a gap had appeared in his memories or more like an invisible veil had been wrapped around some of his memories.

However, he felt like he had dreamed quite a vivid dream. He dreamed about a ghost boy showing him a book and saying something that he didn't really remember. He also couldn't read the book's title but that wasn't really important. 

What really was important is that he got content for his plot! Even a dream like that was hard to come by. So he was definitely going to utilise it! As for how he could think about stories so early in the morning, that was only known by God and Evan himself.

Jumping with joy, he went upstairs to his bedroom to wash up and get ready for his work. Saving the story that was half written, Evan came downstairs, and joyfully tried finding Claire to give a 'good morning' greeting. But she was nowhere to be found. Evan could care less, so he just went to work as usual.

It was Evan's happiest day. He got a call from his elder brother who let him know that he had a famous writer who was his acquaintance and he had asked him to check out Evan's work. His brother told him that the writer was going to meet him in the evening that very day, so he better finish his official work quickly and hurry home. Evan was beaming with happiness. He quickly agreed and thanked his brother for such a huge favour.

He was so eager that by afternoon he was over with the work for the whole day and with an ecstatic heart he made his way home with a cake, some good quality tea leaves and bakery biscuits, along with a bag filled with vegetables. He thought of making himself a nice hot meal, since he couldn't remember whether he really ate something or not the night before. There was time before the guest arrived , so he saw no problem in enjoying a delicious afternoon lunch.

Surprisingly, when he arrived home, Claire was there, sitting on the sofa in the living room. He had assumed that she probably goes somewhere by afternoon since she was never there by evening. He excitedly went over to her as he greeted her with a cheerful 'good afternoon'. But all he got was an indifferent look. Not even a slight nod was given to him as a response! Embarrassed he just trod towards the kitchen with the vegetable bag in one hand and the cake and biscuits in the other one. After enjoying his meal, he went to his bedroom to organize the story which he was thinking of publishing and made all the data ready to be evaluated.

Evening soon arrived, as the doorbell rang, while Evan with a brilliant smile invited his guest inside the house. Claire was still there, so she naturally got to see who the guest was. Her eyes opened wide with shock as she took a look at the guest. She couldn't believe what was happening, finally understanding everything. A viciously freezing aura surrounded her body as she put on the gentle smile of the Satan, which made anyone who saw it shiver with extreme horror.

Lovely lovely truth yet to unfold~

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