Arc 2 (3)

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'Fate'-a really heavy yet a simple word. But doesn't it make more sense if it's said that fate is simply the script of one's play of a life? The ending has been already decided. The terrible ones too. The heavier and the most dreadful part is that no one bears the memories of their own script, their own ending..........


Lyre and Nathan had met each other in their college life. Nathan had fallen in love at first sight. It also didn't take him much time to confess his love for Lyre and pursue her wholeheartedly. Lyre was just as much attracted to Nathan as he was. She didn't dare take the first step since she was too unaccustomed to such pure love that just kept coming unconditionally, neither did she know how to give back that love.

Unfortunately both of them held terrible endings on their hands without knowing about it...........

When Lyre very readily accepted Nathan's confession, one couldn't imagine the happiness he had received at that moment. He had even started to imagine a 'happily ever after' life in those days.

It may have been so if life wasn't a fixed script......


Thinking about those beautiful days, Nathan's lips couldn't help but lift up.

The couple had finally moved to their new home. Lyre had taken a vacation of a month long to spend some time at home and rest for a while. She had gone on countless business trips the month before so she was pretty exhausted. A month long vacation would be really nice to replenish her tired body.

Night soon fell and Lyre got ready for bed. Lyre had also seen Claire that afternoon and after asking her, she got to know that she was the caretaker of the house and that she was to live in the house as per the very first master of the house's will. Lyre didn't mind it that much since Claire was really helpful in the house chores. But she couldn't help feeling a bit insecure because of Claire's unique beauty. Even though it was really unreasonable of her but she couldn't help thinking that she should talk about it with Nathan later the day after.

Drowsiness enclosed her mind and Lyre soon fell asleep even though she had wanted for Nathan. The moment her eyes closed, the whole house fell in a deathly silence. Not a single sound or even the whisper of the wind could be heard. It was as if the whole house had been transported to another world that was filled to the brim with nothingness.

In this bone chilling silence a faint dripping sound could be heard coming from the pitch black corridor of the house. A sound creepy enough to drive someone crazy in that hellish darkness. 'Drip!', 'Drip!', 'Drip!'– Constant dripping sounds got closer and closer towards Lyre's bedroom. Behind those dripping sounds, the corridor was beautifully coloured in horrendous crimson.......

Lyre was in deep sleep. She didn't sense anything around her, not waking up even when a striking young man with a deathly pale white face and a body torturously covered in bloody scars and terrible irrecoverable deep cuts and bruises gazed at her with his dead hazel eyes. Those eyes seemed to be strangled by utter confusion with all different emotions mingled together.

The dripping sound was precisely from the drops of blood dripping from those dead eyes. The tears streamed down incessantly. The exquisite pale white face was painted mercilessly with the tears' own unique sinister colour.

Lyre finally felt something when a distinct sob pierced through her ear. Fluttering her eyes open, a blurry picture entered her eyes, mostly the conspicuous red colour. Trying to focus her eyes, she could only slowly distinguish that familiar silhouette standing beside her bed. When her vision was finally clear, Nathan was standing close to her gazing lovingly at her.

Ah....he really can't......

Lyre sluggishly smiled and in a nasally voice said, "It's so late...why aren't you sleeping yet?" Nathan just gently smiled and replied, "Lia, will you hear me out? I didn't meant to disturb you but since you're awake, help your poor husband relieve his burden, won't you?" Lia was precisely Lyre's pet name that Nathan often used when he was distressed to call out to her.

Lyre's heart melted with the warmth and she gently pulled Nathan to sit beside her. She took hold of his hand and urged him to talk. Nathan then coldly spat out four words- "I am already dead." A splitting pain hit Lyre's head ruthlessly as chaotic and painful fragments messed up her mind that were initially deeply buried inside. Not able to keep up with the pain she fainted.

The young man again reverted back to his terrible state staring coldly at the fainted woman in front of him. He was not itching for revenge but he was not so gracious to let her go as well.

He loved her..... He hated her...... He wanted her dead at the very moment. He wanted her alive for a long time with a happy smile on her face..... What could he do.....? He didn't have much time in his hands anyway. After that time passed maybe he'd be able to finally be free from such appalling pain for forever..... And maybe his disappearance would be best revenge and the best blessing he could present to his love......

Lyre abruptly opened her eyes and desperately searched around, finally finding Nathan sleeping peacefully beside her. It was a dream...

She breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat on her head and neck. She couldn't really remember the dream but she was sure that she was really frightened. She gazed at Nathan and finally got out the bed to wash up since morning had already come. Behind her she failed to see the small puddle of red water lying silently below her bed.


All night Claire had been watching a good show from the sidelines. Since she was holding onto the thing most important for the ending of this show, she was even more interested. She wasn't heartless. It was just that she could care less. With a sneer she approached Nathan who was tiredly hanging onto his too little of time left. In a mocking tone she said, "You have one more day."

Nathan just gave a tired smile and taking the treasure from Claire's hand, he muttered, "Thank you." The thing was a beautiful and delicate ring made of platinum with a small diamond attached elegantly upon it. Nathan couldn't help smiling when all the lovely and joyous memories came back to him one by one.

So precious....

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