Chapter 50

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Of course the very first thing Vaggie had done when she was left there was try to get out. For hours she had kicked and banged on the door, screaming for someone to come help her. But the door did not open and no one came. For four to five days, she had been trapped in that cold and dark room. With no visitors, no sunlight, nothing. The only saving grace was the occasional glimpses of the outside world she'd see from the mirror door. Yet at the same time, it made her suffer all the more because from those glimpses, she could see how much she had hurt her mother.

"I'm sorry Ms. Ramirez, we still haven't found her." She had watched a sympathetic police officer tell her mother in the kitchen one night. "We've talked to every suspect, including your ex husband, and they all have air-tight alibis and no connection to where she could be."

"But you'll keep looking right?" Her mother asked desperately.

"We will. Don't worry Ms. Ramirez, we're not going to let this one get away. Kids have been vanishing in this town for years and that put this case at the top of our list."

"Did you ever find any the kids who went missing?"

"Unfortunately no. They were never found and a lot of them have been presumed dead."

"Dead?!" She screamed. "She could be dead?!"

Vaggie watched as her mother fell to her knees crying and screaming.

"No! Please! Mother Mary! Please give my daughter back to me! She can't be gone! She can't!"

She was completely hysterical. Heartbroken with fear and worry. Vaggie had never seen her mother like this. Not once. Nor did she ever think that her mother would miss her that much.

"It'll be alright Inez. They'll find her." Another time, Vaggie had watched Stolas comforting her in the drawing room. He was pretty much her only friend in town at this point.

"It's all my fault!" She had sobbed. "If only I had told her the truth about her father. Then she would have never run away.I was just so afraid the truth would hurt her "

"You did what you thought was best."

"But it wasn't for the best. I just should have told her."

"It isn't easy to tell your child about an affair, believe me I know. And it's even worse if you're telling them one of your parents is abandoning you for their lover."

"Oh Stolas it was so much worse than that." Inez wept. "I always knew Ernesto was an unfaithful bastard. I should I have left him the minute I first caught him cheating. But Vaggie loved him so much and I didn't want to break her heart. So I decided to just let him have his little affairs and get it out of his system for her sake. But then I find out that he wasn't just screwing me over, he was screwing both of us! He was taking money out of my checking account in order to keep that gold-digger happy. I'm working my ass off the pay the bills so we don't get evicted because he won't get a real job and he's taking all my hard earned money and putting it in that slut's pocket! The final straw came when I caught him trying to steal from the trust fund my parent's left for Vaggie. That was money saved specifically for her and her future and he was going to take it away from her! I confronted him about it! I asked him how he could do this to his own daughter? What kind of father was he? And do you know what he said?"


"He said he never asked to be a father. That he never wanted a baby. That if I hadn't been stupid enough to get pregnant, he would've been a famous artist by now! He blamed his child for his own failures! That's when I realized he never gave a damn about me or her, and I was going to stick around to let him ruin her life! So I left first and I took Vaggie with me, never looked back."

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