Chapter 24

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Finally classes were over and Charlie had one hour before the elementary school would let out, so she headed straight for the gym to meet Seviathan. Well not exactly straight for the gym, first she went into the restrooms to check her hair and face, making sure that she looked nice for him. She smoothed out her hair, sucked in her stomach, checked her teeth and her breath, and added a little lip gloss to her mouth. She didn't expect anything to actually happen besides just talking of course, but she wanted to impress him.

What if he asked her on a date? What if they went somewhere really nice, had dinner, and after talking for awhile, he would realize that she's not a freak like his sister always said and decided that he really liked her? What if they became a couple? What if they started doing really romantic things like holding hands, dancing, and kissing?

She blushed and then reminded herself that she was putting the cart before the horse.

"One step at a time Charlie." She said checking her reflection in the mirror. "One step at a time."

Once she was convinced that she looked alright, she continued on to the gym. There he was looking at her with those electric green eyes and smiling at her.

"Hey." He greeted her.

"Hey." She smiled at him shyly.

"I've been looking forward to this."

"You have?"

"Yeah. I've always wanted to get to know you but my crazy sister always gets in the way. But now that we're alone, I can learn everything there is to know about you."

"Okay." She said. "Well I've always wanted to be an actress. But not for the fame and the fortune, acting is something that is very special to me because-"

"Uh-huh, yeah." He cut her off uninterested. "Actually I'd like to know more about your old man."

"My old man?" She replied.

"Yeah, I'd like to meet him sometime."

"You can't meet him, he's dead."

"What are you talking about? Mr. Goetia is still alive."

"Stolas? Stolas is not my father. He is my legal guardian though."

"Oh..." He sounded disappointed. "Tell me about him then. What's he like? How does he treat you?"

"He's alright, and he treats me very well. I mean he does ask me to babysit his daughter Octavia a lot but he does care about me. And he does nice things for me. Last weekend he took me out to dinner and to see a show at the Allen Elizabethan Theater."

"That's a lot of money he spent on you. Does he do that often?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Just curious. How does he feel about you dating?"

"He thinks it would be good for me."

"How would he feel about you going on a date with me sometime?"

Charlie suddenly dropped her notebook, she quickly stopped down to retrieve it.

"Um." She didn't know how to answer at first. She was down on her hands and knees, picking up old worksheets that had slid out of her notebook. Then Seviathan's face was right next to hers.

"Here." He said, handing Charlie her pencil.

"Thank you." She stood up, trying so hard not to turn into a flustered mess. "I...I don't think he'd mind."

"In that case, why don't we get together Saturday night? My parents are going away for the weekend and Helsa is going to throw another one of her wild parties, but there never any fun for me because everyone is paying attention to her. Even Velvette. But if you came, I might actually enjoy myself for once."

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