Chapter 4

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Vaggie lived in a very small apartment with her mother who worked two jobs, a waitress at a diner and a receptionist for a local photography studio. She wasn't at home very often and when she was at home she was mostly at the computer typing up records for her boss, paying bills, or preparing portfolios.

Photography was a hobby for Mrs. Ramirez but she had started out wanting to pursue a career in journalism. She proved herself to be an excellent writer and reporter but come her sophomore year, she began dating an eccentric young painter a.k.a Vaggie's father, who suggested she drop out of college and travel with him, using their passions to become rich and famous. Well at that time she was young, rebellious, and gullible so of course she accepted his offer.

They left El Salvador and drove to up to states with dreams of fame and glory brought on by his art skills and her photography skills. Unfortunately reality often tends to differ from what we fantasize about and in the case of Vaggie's parents, the differences were huge. Neither her father's paintings or mother's photos became as famous as they had hoped. Three years passed and eventually Vaggie came into the picture so the couple had to stop traveling, settle down, and get jobs. Only her mother was the only who actually worked, her father decided he would keep trying to sell his paintings. And to make things more difficult, they moved into a ramshackle house, living without running water, gas, or electricity. 

As the years went by, no one took an interest in Mr. Ramirez's work and it really bothered his wife that he wouldn't at least try to work a job that would pay the bills. She reasoned, she begged, and she nagged. Then one night Vaggie came home to see her mother ranting and screaming at her father, calling him a useless prick and telling him to get out of her sight forever. Next day, she left and took Vaggie with her along with any and all money that they had which included a trust fund left behind by Vaggie's grandparents. It broke Vaggie's heart because she had particualrly close with her father. Her mother was often very busy at work and Vaggie was left alone with her father so they seemed to have a better bond. Vaggie understood her mother not wanting to be with him anymore but why couldn't she let Vaggie keep in contact with her father? Yes the man was a slacker but he loved his daughter. Didn't they have a right to have a relationship?

The thing was though, Vaggie's mother never really talked to her about what happened between her and her father. Or rather she never had time to discuss the matter with her. She just so overworked and trying so hard to make sure certain demands were met. If she didn't they'd be out on the street and she couldn't bear for that to happen.

"I thought you were working at the diner tonight." Vaggie said entering the apartment and finding her mother typing on her laptop at the kitchen table. 

"Roz agreed to cover my shift tonight so I could work on this add." Her mother responded, not looking up from the computer screen.

"What add?" Vaggie asked.

"My employer at the studio, Mr. Foxworth is looking for new ideas in advertising. If one of his employees gives him something with the right photos and the right words, they'll be promoted."

"And that's what you're doing right now? Creating an advertisement?"

"Yes and it's a lot more difficult than you realize and I need concentration, so just run along and get started on your homework."

"When I'm done with my homework can I go out? I want to see that new art gallery opening up."

"Not tonight Vaggie. It's a school night."

"I won't oversleep. I'll be able to get up and get to school on time."

"I don't think so and I don't want you walking around town alone at night. It's not safe."

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