Chapter 32

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"So how was school today?" Stolas asked during the car road home.

"It was fine." Charlie lied.

But Stolas could tell that something was bothering her. He could tell by the soft pink in her eyes that indicated she had shed some tears. He would have questioned her further but then Octavia went on and on, talking about her day. As any good father, Stolas listened intently to his daughter, giving her his full attention. When they came home, Charlie went straight to her room to be alone, as she normally did whenever she was upset. But for the first time in a year, Stolas attempted to try to talk to her about what could be troubling her.

"Charlie." He knocked softly on her door. "Can come in?"

She got off her bed and opened the door.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Is everything okay honey?" He approached gently. "Did something happen at school today?"

"I told you that school was fine today."

"That doesn't necessarily mean it's true."

"Why would I lie?"

"Same reason why anyone your age would lie about it. They think nobody would understand or they don't to deal with it."

"Thanks for the concern but it's nothing. Vaggie and I just had an argument."

"What was she doing in school? I thought she was suspended."

"She sneaked in to see me. We talked, we had a disagreement, and we fought."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Do you really want to hear about it?"

"Of course I do." He sat next to her on the bed. "Charlie I may not always act like it, but I do care if you're sad or unhappy. And I know I've been busy and that I haven't been giving much thought your issues, but I'll do better. Give me a chance."

She looked at him, knowing full well that he really was trying to connect with her and make things between them better than they were. The least she could do is be fair and give him a chance.

"We fought about her mom."

"Why? Has Inez done something?"

"No. But Vaggie acts like her mom doesn't care and she doesn't want to live with her anymore, and she makes it sound like her mother is this horrible parent. And I disagreed with her and tried to get her to change her mind."

"I see, well Charlie I understand your reasoning but what business is it of yours how Vaggie feels about her mother? I mean we're entitled to our opinions about our parents."

"But she doesn't understand how lucky she is to still have her mother. Her mother isn't perfect but I know she loves Vaggie and she only wants what's best for her. She'd hate it if she never saw her mom again."

"Oh...Now I see what this is about." He said getting closer to her. "You really miss your mother, don't you?"

Charlie nodded.

"And I bet you wish more anything to have her and your father back, and it just kills you that some kids like Vaggie, who still have parents, just take them for granted huh?"

She nodded again.

"You know when I was in college I had a similar argument with your dad."

"You did?" Charlie asked, looking at him.

"Yep. You see your grandpa, God rest his soul was a very loving and accepting man. He adored your father. All his life, he tried to spend time with him and your uncles. At times he could be strict and had his own plans for all his boys but he still supported them in the end and was always there when one of them needed him. Now my father was just the opposite. He neglected me and my siblings, he tried to use money and gifts to make up for his absence, and he always tried to force me to be someone else. I was jealous of your dad because he had the father I always wanted and one day when I heard him talking about how awful his father was because he scolded him for drunk driving, I went off on him. I called him an ungrateful, spoiled, brat in a man's body and told him that your grandpa wasted his love and time on a son like him. Something I regret saying to this day."

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