Chapter 23

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Monday was a very nervous day for Charlie. Today she was going to talk to Stolas about auditioning for the upcoming school play and she was going to meet Seviathan in the gym. Things seemed to be going so well for her lately, she thought that maybe she could afford to be a risk taker. To actually ask Stolas for something really big and important and later maybe try to pursue a relationship with a guy for once.

"Well you're in a good mood this morning." Stolas said when his goddaughter came downstairs practically skipping. "Sleep well?"

"Not really, I was too excited."

"Oh? About what?" 

"Well you did say that the divorce was settled right?" She said. "That now you'll be home more often and I won't have to babysit as much?"

"That is correct."

"Then I was wondering...Well the thing is, they're holding auditions for the school play next month and I was hoping to try out. If I get a part, will I be able to stay after  school for rehearsals?"

"I don't see why not. Now that all forms of alimony have been pain in full, I'll be able to work from home again and spend more time with Octavia. You should more than free to pursue school theatrics. " He smiled. "In fact I think that it would be wonderful for you."

Charlie smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you Stolas."

"You're welcome and I hope you get a good part."

"I'm going to try out for the lead. They're doing The Loneliest Heart."

"Your favorite play? Well wouldn't your mother be proud of you got the lead role. Of course she would be proud if you got any role."

"If I get a part, will you come see the play?"

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Stolas had planned to take the girls to school that morning but he suddenly received a phone call from his lawyer, it was an emergency. So Charlie and Octavia walked to school. It was cool and crisp that morning, dewdrops painted the grass and the colored leaves, with a ray of golden sunshine adding that extra tint of light to make the landscape really stand out.

"I gotta tell Vaggie about this." Charlie said. "It would make a beautiful painting."

"Hey Charlie can we build a leaf pile and jump in it after school?" Octavia asked.

"I don't think so. The ground is a little wet, we'd get muddy and you know how your dad feels about dirt."

"Then how come he likes it when that guy Blitzo gets dirty?"

Charlie blushed.

"Octavia where did you hear that?"

"Daddy told him over the phone."

"Was this at night?"


"And were you supposed to be in bed?"


"First of all Octavia don't eavesdrop on phone calls and second, you're going to have to talk to your dad about that one."

"Why do you think Daddy likes Blitzo so much anyway?"

"You got me. I don't know either. Do you like him?"

"I think he's weird, but kind of funny."

"Well Angel did say that he used to be a clown."

"Ahhh!" Octavia shrieked. "Clowns are evil!"

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