Chapter 38

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Octavia did not want to wake up just yet. The little girl just felt so comfortable where she had slept. She felt as if warm, delightful bedclothes were heaped upon her and she slept so deeply and profoundly, too deeply and soundly to be disturbed by anything, the entire evening. However no one could sleep forever and eventually Octavia found her eyes slowly opening to quite an unusual sight.

This was not her bedroom. Although it was certainly a very nice bedroom, it was also quite curious. Several clocks and mechanical devices hung from the walls and the walls themselves seemed be painted to resemble some form of an illusionary design similar to the works of MC Escher. From above her head there hung something which at first she thought to be a chandelier but in actuality it was a collection of sort. An array of circular crystals that twinkled like stars. Notes that had peculiar designs drawn on them were posted here and there but most curious to her, had to be that the whole room was filled with all manner of childhood toys and artifacts.

"Where am I?" She wondered.

She slowly pulled the covers up to her chest, trying to figure out just what in the world was going on here.

"Daddy?" She started to call out. "Daddy? Charlie?"

Her calls were answered by a knock at the door.

"Hey kid, are you awake yet or what?"

"Huh?" Octavia replied.

Then the door opened and in walked a girl. She was tall, slender, she looked about the same age as Charlie, but she didn't look like any normal girls. For one thing her long hair was grey and silver-colored, instead of fingernails she had claws, she had ears like a dog or a wolf, and she had a tail too.

"Ugh!" She scoffed. "I don't know what Alastor was thinking bringing you here with us! Levana is already looking for you."

Her mannerisms and the way she talked reminded her very much of Vaggie. She only hoped that she wouldn't be as mean to her as Vaggie could be sometimes.

"Who are you?" She asked. "And where am I?"

"You ask too many questions. I'm not a morning person, so I don't really feel like doing a lot of thinking and answering right now."

"Loona!" A voice called from a distance. "We talked about this! Be nice!"

She growled under her breath and for a moment, Octavia thought she was going to bark.

"Well come on little girl, breakfast is ready."

"Breakfast?" Octavia inquired.

"Yes, beakfast. You eat, don't you?"


"Well then you better hurry up and get to the table before I eat everything."

Now Octavia was confused, frightened, she didn't really want to go anywhere until she got some answers first. But she was also very hungry. She could already feel her little tummy rumbling and her little nose could pick up a wonderful smell coming from the back. So despite her fear and confusion, she got out of bed and followed this peculiar looking girl down a small corridor and into the next room at the very end. Something about the way this Loona moved was like she was made of wood or something. Like she was living doll or marionette, yet at the same time her motions were natural.

In that room there was a glowing, blazing fire, a little brass kettle hissing and boiling on the hob,  a thick, warm crimson rug spread on the floor, chairs with cushions on them,  a small folding-table, covered with a white cloth, and upon it spread small covered dishes, a cup, a saucer, a teapot, and an oven. At the oven, taking out a tray of freshly baked muffins, there stood a short, funny, little man with white hair and pointy ears. He appeared to have skin but he moved like he was made up of gears and mechanics. However unlike most things made of such materials, he appeared to be warm and full of life. When he turned around and saw her, he smiled at her in a way that reminded her of her father.

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