Chapter 27

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Dennis  and Mia met the girls when they reached the other side of the bridge, and escorted them to where Levana had another delicious feast prepared for them. On a table there were foot-long hot dogs with relish, grilled cheese sandwiches, curly-fries, piles of coleslaw and potato salad, an array of cupcakes, and five flavors of soda-pop. Charlie and Vaggie had not eaten lunch or dinner today due to the horrible event that had happened at school so naturally they were starving and dug into the meal without second thought.

"Levana is most pleased that you two came for another visit." Dennis said.  "She has been most anxious to see you both."

"Yes." Mia said. "She was very upset when you didn't come see her for those two nights."

"We're sorry." Charlie said. "We didn't know that she was expecting us."

"Well just try to keep that in mind next time. Believe me, you wouldn't want to see Levana angry."

Dennis looked at Mia, Vaggie didn't see it but Charlie did and could have sworn that he was giving her some kind of warning with his stare. Mia then put a finger to her lips.

"Is everything alright?" Charlie asked.

"Yes." Dennis said. "Everything's fine and about to get better. After you eat, Levana has something very special planned for you."

"What is it?" Vaggie asked.

"It's a surprise, but you'll definitely love it."

Before he and Mia left them alone to dine in peace, Dennis told them to follow a corridor in the palace and when the girls finished eating, they went down that corridor, eager to see what wonders Levana had for them this time. The two were halfway to the other end of the hall when there came a polite noise from behind them both. Charlie and Vaggie turned around and some how, standing at the top of the left wall was Alastor.

"Good evening ladies." He said. "Didn't expect to find you back here anytime soon."

"What are you doing up there?" Charlie asked him. "How did you get up there?"

He answered her question by merging his body with his shadow, seemingly vanishing into the black figure. The shadow then slid down the wall and when its feet touched the floor, he reappeared from his dark-colored doppelganger.

"Charlie, do you know this guy?" Vaggie asked.

"Yes. This is Alastor." Charlie introduced.

"Alastor? Isn't that the name of the creep Levana warned us about?"

"Possibly." Alastor said. "I'm not the only person in the world named Alastor, you know?"

"But I bet you're the only one with that name in this world." Vaggie said suspiciously.

"And what if I am?"

"If you are then you better leave us alone."

"Now there's no need to be alarmed by my presence Vaggie. I have no reason to cause you any harm or misfortune."

"How do you know my name?"

"I make it my business to know everything that goes on in this place. He lives here and who visits here. What everyone does here and what little secrets everyone here is hiding. And no one's secrets are more juicy than Levana's. In fact I know all of her secrets. Care to hear them?"

"I don't think we should." Charlie said. "Everyone is entitled to have secrets and privacy."

"True, very true my dear. But sometimes, certain secrets must be told. Especially the ones that belong to the likes of her."

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