Chapter Thirty Three

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Chapter Thirty Three   


                 One of the many things that Eli genuinely liked about Washington was the brisk autumn weather. Everywhere you went, the scenery was already so gorgeous, but once the leaves began to change a verity of different colors, it made you feel like you were in another world.

The thought of the beautiful change of the seasons filled her heart with joy until she remembered one heart-wrenching reminder; she could no longer spend her days frolicking around the out doors and enjoy the views that not many got to whiteness personally.

That was the biggest thing she missed about phasing and how she took it for granted. She now envied the packs that surrounded her.

As the packs continuously complained about being shifters, she couldn't help but to feel her anger grow from their complaining. She first-handily understood how tiring it was to be a shifter but she also knew how hard it was to adapt back to normal human routine after having been a shifter.

When the elders say that it's not an easy transition, they forgot to mention how much of an understatement that was. Hearing that, you come to believe that not phasing is the hardest part, but truth be told that was one of the easiest parts. The hardest part was no longer begging able to phase after feeling so unbelievably strong and capable.

They don't mention how much you feel like you have lost your entire life purpose overall.

Though Eli never verbalized her thoughts out loud. Which was actually the only good thing to come with no longer phasing; Not that she had much trouble keeping her thoughts to herself in comparison to everyone else in the pack.

She never wanted to say anything because she knew that when their time came to stop phasing, she would be there to help them with it. They didn't need to worry about that part right now— no matter how eager they were to stop phasing nor how much they tried to convince her how lucky she was— because they had to keep their mind sharp on phasing. 

She would save the "how's it feel now, bitch" until much, much later.

Things haven't exactly been too hectic for the pack— beside the fact that Jacob is terrified by how fast his imprint is growing. Which is apparently supernaturally fast. Though Eli didn't care much to listen to that gossip because, honestly, she couldn't have cared any less. Not that she hated the child, because she didn't, but because she hated how Jacob never shut up about her. It was worse than the other imprints and that said a lot. And she honestly found it extremely creepy. It even outdid his Bella obsession. Especially since he felt like he had a right to be allowed around her so much. Though, from what Eli heard, the vampires weren't exactly too happy with that at first. Had he not been able to give them any sort of protection, he would be dead by now, no doubt.

Though she was no longer allowed to have much of an opinion on pack business, anyway. Not that she wasn't allowed to hear about it but rather that she couldn't help to do anything with the information any longer. She felt completely shut out. But maybe that was a good thing considering her lack of filter caused this whole mess she was currently in.

Which meant she was spending a lot more time with the imprints and other humans now. She spent her days with either Emily, Rachel, Kim, and even Maria— who she has grown surprisingly close with. Though she found herself missing the guys and Leah. Once again, she had nobody to bond over situations with. She felt as though nobody could understand her at all now, because at least with the pack they sort of understood. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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