Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

     Alex couldn't have been more wrong.

His knocks on his daughter's bedroom door were loud and rapid. He tried to twist the doorknob and push the door open but it wouldn't budge. He was really starting to contemplate throwing that old wooden chair into their fire pit outside and getting rid of it once and for all.

"Elizabeth!" He called out for the twentieth time that day. He has been checking on his daughter as much as he could for the past two weeks. He would come home from work on his breaks just to check in on her. Unfortunately, neither Alex nor Paul ever caught her out of her bedroom even once.

Both Alex and Paul were extremely worried for Eli. She has not left her bedroom in nearly two weeks, she was very sneaky about it when she did and completely locked herself away. They had both assured Embry that her anger would eventually subside and she would be back to her normal self in no time but at that point, they started to question it themselves.

They were both very, very wrong about that.

"Elizabeth, open this door right now, or else I'm getting your brother to bust it down!" He threatened.

Eli didn't understand how she could have so much rage and sadness within her, but she did. And hearing her brother and father tell everyone else that she would get over everything soon made her even angrier.

She could get over a lot of things but to be lied to? That always struck her the most.

She had to hold her ground. She felt like she had something to prove to them. That she wouldn't take being lied to. That she didn't need anyone– even after getting oddly ill for a few days and needing to be taken care of.

She appreciated everyone's generosity, she really did, but she felt that they were only being nice to her because she was Paul's little sister.

"Elizabeth Aylin Lahote!" A booming voice knocked her out of her trance. She looked over her shoulder from her spot on the floor and frowned at her full name being used. "Open the door. Now!" Her brother's loud voice echoed throughout the house, shaking it.

Paul was irritated. He had to listen to his pack member speak about his little sister and wonder what he did wrong. Paul felt some sympathy for the guy because he understood his hurt– after all he was inside the other's head for hours a day. He had to actually feel the pain that he felt. It was depressing. He would rather spend a whole day inside Leah's head than Embrys now, and that was saying something.

If Embry felt that way he wondered how his sister must feel. He hoped it didn't affect her to such a great extent as it did Embry. They weren't close enough for that to happen yet.. right?

Eli hesitantly pushed herself up from the floor, her body shaking as she did. Her body felt weak and tired. She hadn't showered for a few days, since her brother and father wouldn't stop checking in on her, so she never took too long in the bathroom to risk a chance of them seeing her.

She just really didn't want to see anyone or for anyone to see her.

She reached her hand out to move the chair but stopped. She pressed her lips into a thin line and took a few steps back until her legs hit her bed. She sat down and crossed her arms. She wasn't going to allow her brother to boss her around. She didn't have to leave the room if she didn't want to.

"Elizabeth!" Paul repeated himself. "Please open the damn door." His voice was softer now.

"I don't want to see anyone right now." Her voice was hoarse, not having spoken a word in a week.

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