Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Eli woke up the next morning feeling better than she felt the night prior, but everything still felt unreal.

The warmth she had fallen asleep to was no longer pressed against her cheek or hand. Her eyes squinted open and she slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position. She felt disgusting and desperately wanted to take a shower.

"Good, you're awake." Emily said happily as she walked into the bedroom. She picked up the thermometer and motioned for Eli to place it underneath her tongue, which she did.

"How long was I asleep for?" Eli mumbled.

"About fifteen or so hours. Paul tried to wake you up earlier but you were knocked out. I told him to leave you until you woke up yourself." Emily replied, pulling the thermometer back and checking it. "You're temperature is normal– which is fantastic compared to what it was last night. You had us worried. Are you feeling any better today?"

"My body aches a little but I feel okay other than that I feel fine." Eli answered, running her hands through her tangled hair. Her nose scrunched up from the feeling of greasy hair that the sweat had caused. "That was an intense bug."

"Go ahead and take a shower." Emily chuckled. "I washed your clothes this morning for you." She pointed towards the chair were Eli's clothes were neatly folded.

"Thank you." Eli gave a grateful smile. She carefully stood from the bed and picked up her clothes. She paused for a moment when a stabbing pain rushed down her spine.

"I'll be downstairs when you're done." Emily told her before walking out of the bedroom, not noticing the pause.

Eli slowly walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind herself. She turned on the water and stripped from the clothes she was wearing before stepping underneath the warm water. She stood there for a few minutes to soothe the aches in her bones before she finally decided to wash the sweat off of herself.

She scanned the bottles before she finally found the soap. She popped open the bottle and smelt it, the strong pine fresh smell causing her nose to scrunch from the overpowering scent. The boys must use this bathroom the most because that's all that was in there, and Emily definitely didn't smell like a forest. She used the matching shampoo to wash her hair quickly before rinsing the suds from her body and hair.

Turning off the water she pulled open the curtain and grabbed a towel from the towel rack. She quickly dried her body off before wrapping the towel around her hair. She stepped out of the bathtub and pulled on her clean clothes. Unwrapping the towel from her head, she combed her fingers through her shoulder length hair, trying to detangle it.

She tossed the dirty clothes and towel into the laundry basket before switching off the light and finally walking out of the bathroom. That shower was refreshing, however exhausting.

While she made her way down the hallway she could hear conversations from the kitchen, meaning that some of the boys were there. She quietly walked down the stairs and appeared in the doorway, standing there awkwardly until her brother happened to notice her when he turned to say something to Jared.

"Ellie," He pushed himself up from the chair and rushed towards his baby sister, pulling her into a tight hug.

He was happy to hear that her temperature was back to normal– however that didn't necessarily clear her from the packs radar. They still didn't know much about females phasing and wanted to keep a close eye on her for awhile.. or forever in Paul's case.

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