Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"Thanks, mom. Talk to you later." Eli hung the phone up and pushed herself away from the table she was sitting at. She held the paper that told her the recipe for her grandmother's casserole and placed it down on the countertop. If she wanted the food to be done on time then she would need to start making it right then. She had already wasted enough time hearing her mom talk about anything and everything that wasn't about the recipe.

The days passed in a blur and before she knew it, it was already Friday. She hadn't felt the best that week and stayed inside the house for those last few days. She refused to leave the house even when her brother and father tried to convince her to– but she wouldn't budge. She slept, read, drew, and even cleaned her dad's truck. Anything to keep herself busy. She wasn't sure why but she didn't want to interact with anyone at all. Not even her own family.

She just wanted to be left alone for a while.

But soon it was Friday and Paul had informed her on Wednesday that Rachel agreed to the dinner. She was even bringing her father and brother along with her. Eli was nervous but excited at the same time; she wanted to know if her brother was serious about a relationship for once.

Paul had a bad reputation for past relationships. Mainly because he always went for the fast girls that thought they were better than everyone else and spoke down to others. Eli always thought that he picked the girls that he thought he deserved to be with; and not in an arrogant or conceded way but rather in a way that he never felt that he was good enough to be with an actual nice girl. He used to be a lost and insecure boy despite what everyone thought about him. He never felt that he deserved actual love.

That was until he imprinted on Rachel.

Eli spent the next few hours cooking and had successfully made her mother's casserole. She had just finished setting up the table when the front door was being opened.

"Hey, guys!" Her dad greeted them first, being the one to invite them inside. He had gotten home from work two hours ago. He offered to help his daughter cook but she insisted that she didn't need any. "How are you?"

"Never better. How have you been, Alex?" The older male smiled, shaking his hand politely. He sat in a wheelchair and Eli immediately recognized him to be Billy Black.

"I'm doing great, Billy." Alex nodded, returning the quick handshake. "You remember my daughter Elizabeth?" Alex motioned for his young daughter to greet everyone.

Eli hesitantly walked into the living room and gave a tight smile.

"Of course." Billy smiled. "It's nice to see you again, Elizabeth."

"You too, Billy." Eli returned the smile.

"You remember Jacob right?" Billy pointed toward his youngest child. Eli moved her gaze towards Jacob and her nose scrunched up slightly.

She most definitely remembered him.

"Of course she does." Jacob chuckled, sending an amused grin toward Eli. "I don't think she'd forget the guy who accidentally pushed her into the mud when we were in elementary school. She had one hell of a right hook."

"You ruined my favorite dress." Eli frowned. She would never forget that day– she almost broke her hand punching him in the face. He accidentally bumped into her while playing football with some other boys. When she fell into the mud it completely ruined the white beaded dress her great grandmother Ruth had made for her before she was even born.

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