Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four


Eli watched as her unofficial Alpha paced in front of her with his arms tightly crossed. His features were hard in thought and he hadn't said a word in nearly five minutes. Eli sat there quietly as she allowed everything to process. It had only been the two of them speaking so there weren't any sarcastic comments or outraged werewolves around them to fill in the awkward silence. Eli hated silence.

"I know it's a lot to take in," She started, pushing herself up from the chair she was sitting on. "This isn't a second-hand situation that Jacobs begging you to be a part of it for a girl who willingly put the situation on herself. It's a part of something more than that. And unfortunately, if something doesn't happen, who knows who'll he'll take his anger out on next. I don't want that for anyone else..." She told him, holding back how much she felt like this was her fault. "The gene hit me so it might hit Paul's offspring too..."

She was scared. Scared for their future families and those around them. The wolf and doppelgänger gene wouldn't stop with Eli unless she was the one who put an end to it. The genes were given because Dakota had a doing with it– and he couldn't rest until the vampire was gone for good. Neither of them will stop until someone made it stop.

"Don't be so harsh on yourself, Eli." Sam told her. "But you're right. If what you're saying is true, it won't stop with you. And knowing vampires, they don't stop a hunt until someone dies." He agreed with her.

Eli relaxed slightly when he agreed. However, his naturally tense nature wouldn't allow her to relax fully until he was visibly relaxed himself. And he clearly wasn't. She knew that something else she had told him was still on his mind.

"Though, you asked for more space..." He started. "To track down the scent?"

"I mean, yeah." She gave a nod. Clearly she wanted more space. She was tired of being the center of attention for good. It was enough to last a lifetime. "I don't need to be watched constantly. It's keeping everyone from their own lives. I just want to learn to do what we do best and keep tabs on Mr. Ghost Man in my head and catch where the vampire is staying."

Of course he would love to be able to take time for himself but their priorities landed elsewhere for the meantime. They held an oath they couldn't return.

"I understand that. But it's not going to happen with so much activity happening and your lack of training. With the scare that happened with Paul and you not sharing your thoughts... it's necessary. If you get hurt, it's on us." Sam told her sternly. "You will continue with your training but you must be around other shifters at all times as well. Until a plan gets sorted. And no seeking the scent without all of us with you."

"Okay," She settled on instead of arguing with him about it. Everyone was already stressed out enough as it was. The last thing she wanted to do was add anything else onto it. If anything, she'd do whatever she feels is best anyway. As long as they're safe.

"I'm gonna go see my brother. I've waited enough." She told him before heading out.

He didn't stop her, feeling that their conversation ended well. Usually the others would argued with him– more specifically someone named Jacob– and it took some reasoning to the decision he had came to for the better of them and their people. That was the only thing he cared about in the end.

Eli headed straight into the forest where the two wolves awaited for her. The large silver and brown wolves following after her, being her protection just in case the vampire was planning anything again. The silver wolf nudged her shoulder slightly, causing her to look up at him. Eli scoffed and stepped away from him when she noticed the expression he was giving her.

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