Chapter Twenty Nine

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    Chapter Twenty Nine


             Being a shifter was exhausting. Especially when you get pushed into it so quickly- which was granted with the ability to phase.

Eventually you adapt to the lifestyle and schedule but that didn't make it any easier. You had to pushed yourself both mentally and physically and not make any mistakes, because if you do, someone's life could potentially be taken because of you. Not only because of the beings you're supposed to be hunting but also the innocent bystanders. And it didn't help that once the shifters got comfortable, something always seemed to happen to rattle them once again.

Eli felt unbelievably exhausted after having to take more shift hours after Jacob had decided to run away to who-knows-where. But he couldn't hide forever. The boys had a bet going that he would be back before the wedding to try and change the Swan girls mind one last time before she said I Do.  Eli and Leah didn't care enough to add their input into anything because, frankly, they didn't care enough to. Leah sometimes had a thought but only in hopes that he was okay- they all did besides Eli- but she didn't vocalize anything. However, Eli stood by her distaste for the male. She only hoped he was okay for Billy and Rachel's sake. She couldn't care any less other than that.

Perhaps her bad mood was brought on by the extra hours. Or maybe it was her hormones that was stalled from the phase- whatever it may be, she didn't feel like bothering with anyone or anything that she didn't have to. And the only person she wanted to be around happened to also always be busy.

Unfortunately the two imprints had barely seen each other but when they were around each other it was always with other members of the pack during meetings. Eli was pleasantly surprised with how well Embry had kept their moment a secret from everyone- even Quil. Especially since he had patrol with the one person she definitely didn't want to find out about anything that has taken place.

But of course everything good must come to an end.

Eli was awoken to someone harshly shaking her shoulder. She groaned in annoyance and swatted them away, but they always kept coming back. She released a loud groan as she pushed them away harshly when they went to tare the blanket off of her.

"Damnit, Elizabeth! Wake the fuck up!" The familiar voice of her patrol buddy shouted loudly from above her. Eli opened her eyes and turned to face Quil, ready to shout back at him until she noticed his face full of panic.

She immediately pushed herself up. "What happened?"

"Paul found out about you and Embry's make out session." He said quickly while grabbing her arm and pulling her up from the bed. "He beat the shit out of him! And I don't know what's happening now because Sam demanded me to come get you." He told her while they rushed through the house and out the back door.

"Fuck," She mumbled to herself, the fear rising in her body from the thought of Paul harming Embry. She could only imagine how Paul was handling the situation. She quite literally feared for her imprints life. "Where are they?" She asked, starting to run once they were outside.

"Outside Emily's last I was there." He informed her. He followed closely behind her as they sprinted into the woods.

Soon the two shapeshifters had phased into their wolf form and speeding towards their alphas house as quickly as they could. The mind link was raging in growls and images of Paul ripping through Embry's skin. And the worst part? Embry was letting him. He was barely fighting back because he felt like he deserved it.

Apparently Paul had warned him what would happen if this ever happened.

And Paul alway did keep his word.

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