Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three


Heavy paws rumbled the ground as the wolf ran full speed through the forest. Her mouth was open and her tongue was hanging out the side of her mouth in concentration to share her thoughts. She pushed herself up from the ground and leaped over a large fallen tree with full force, though her paws never touched the ground thanks to the other wolf that had tackled into her side and causing the two of them to tumble to the ground.

'Paul! You dickhead!' Eli laughed, pushing herself up from the ground and shaking her fur out that had gotten matted with the mug they fell into. She nudged the dark silver and brown wolf with the side of her body as he laughed at her.

'You can't get past me!' Paul jumped back, excited that he was the first to catch his sister.

Eli had spend the day learning how to patrol with each members of the pack. Sam also wanted her to concentrate on sharing her thoughts with the others. It was hard but if she concentrated hard enough they could catch glimpses every so often.

She had hit the fifteen hour mark with patrol without complaining– until she had patrol with her brother and imprint. She didn't want to complain around anyone else but with them she felt comfortable enough to. Though her complaints were mostly about her being hungry and tired.

Eventually Paul got annoyed and started a game with her, much to Embry disagreement and him telling them that wasn't a good idea, though Paul justified the game by learning how to catch Eli when she has quiet footsteps and vague thoughts. Embry was hesitant but eventually joined in, placing a bet with Paul on who would find her first.

'You cheated! I noticed the stupid looking tree that gave her away first!' Embry huffed, hopping down from the rock and onto the ground.

'But I caught her scent first.' Paul said proudly.

'I demand a retry!' Embry demanded. 'Eli and I have an unbreakable bond. I should be able to find her first.'

The word bond caused Eli to grow tense. The word kept repeating inside of her head like an echo, but it wasn't her own voice, or the boys, that was repeating it. The voice was familiar but she couldn't place it from where. However, she remembered how stern the voice was and how she didn't want to disobey it. She felt like she couldn't disobey it. She couldn't remember what it was telling her but she remembered how important the bond was for her, and even for the pack too.

The voice was loud.

'Is that Dakota's voice?' Embry asked, standing in front of Eli now.

The two boys where confused to hear the unfamiliar voice in their heads. For them it almost sounded like Sam's but without much effect on them like it had on Eli. They could hear and feel the confusion and fear that Eli felt– which caused them to have similar feelings. How she felt was often how Sam made them feel when he used the alpha voice on them.

Dakota's name seemed to have triggered something inside of Eli– unfortunately just not the right something. Anger coursed through her veins as she tried hard to remember what he had told her, but she couldn't place it. She knew that it was important but she couldn't make herself remember what was important. However she remembered how angry she was with him and that made her wonder why she was so angry with him.

'I'm taking that as a yes.' Paul scoffed. 'He must had done or said something to make you that upset, Eli. I caught that split thought of you wanting to punch him.'

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