Bridging Traditions and The Shopping Spree

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The Kulkarni household was filled with anticipation and excitement, with everyone gearing up for the flurry of wedding preparations. Despite Bhargav's reservations, the family had made it unequivocally clear that his participation in all the rituals and pujas was non-negotiable, emphasizing the importance of showing respect to the gods. Reluctantly, Bhargav acquiesced, though not without an internal vow to have a word with his favored deity, Lakshmi Narasimha, for the unexpected twist in his life's path.

Following the haldi ceremony and Ganesh puja, the family planned a shopping expedition for the wedding essentials. Radha considered inviting Sanju to join them, hoping for a bonding opportunity. However, Bhargav's immediate refusal—stating he wouldn't partake if Sanju attended—led to a swift change of plans. Resolving to focus on shopping for the groom and their family that day, they postponed shopping for the bride to the following day. Accompanied by Ragini, Vijay, and their children, everyone embarked on their shopping spree, indulging in the joy of selecting luxurious items. They completed shopping for dresses. The atmosphere was one of sheer delight as they visited jewelers, with Lakshmi and Radha picking out pieces for themselves, and even choosing some for Ragini.

When it came to selecting jewelry for Sanju, Bhargav interjected, advising against purchasing multiple sets of necklaces, bangles, earrings, and rings. Despite the initial scolding from his parents, he argued, "From what I've gathered, she's a simple girl. She might not appreciate such elaborate or excessive jewelry." Internally, he smirked, seeing it as a victory in preventing Sanju from 'benefiting' from his family's wealth. The family, after a moment's consideration, sided with Bhargav, even playfully teasing him for his sudden insight into Sanju's preferences. Radha conceded that Bhargav might have a point, suggesting they wait to see what Sanju herself prefers the next day.

Raghav, seizing an opportunity to tease, chimed in with a grin, "Oh, look at Anna! Suddenly he's an expert on what Vaini likes. Tell us, when did you two have this heart-to-heart?"Radha joined in, her eyes twinkling with amusement, "Yes, Bhargav, I didn't know you had such a keen insight into a bride's preferences. Maybe you should consider a career in bridal consulting!"Bhargav, trying to maintain his composure amidst the teasing, retorted, "Very funny. I'm just saying, we don't want to overwhelm her with extravagance. That's all."Lakshmi, not missing a beat, added, "Well, if Bhargav is so concerned about not overwhelming Sanju, maybe he's already more considerate of her than we realized. It sounds like the makings of a perfect husband to me!"

Bhargav, now could only shake his head and smile, realizing there was no winning against his family's playful banter. "Alright, alright, you've had your fun. Let's just focus on completing shopping" he conceded, secretly appreciating the light-hearted moment amidst his internal turmoil. The family's laughter echoed through the store, a momentary relief from the wedding preparations, bringing them all closer together in anticipation of the new bond forming between Bhargav and Sanju.

Exhausted yet content from a day filled with shopping and a family dinner out, they returned home, their spirits high. Despite Bhargav's underlying skepticism, the family moved forward, united in their preparations, yet unaware of the depth of Bhargav's misconceptions about Sanju.

The next morning brought an unexpected invitation for Sanju. Lakshmi called, warmly urging her to join them for a day of shopping. Despite Sanju's hesitations, insisting they choose without her, the family was adamant. This day, it would be a ladies' outing. They picked up a reluctant Sanju, ready to dive into a world unfamiliar to her.

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