#R21 Footsteps Approaching

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👵》Cover / Title
The cover isn't that attractive but maybe that's from the game? The title fits the theme of the story I feel so yeah, maybe a better cover to catch reader's eyes would help with views. Personally I wouldn't pick it up with that cover, which is a shame because I think you wrote the story well.

👵》Blurb/Story Description
The blurb is okay, it introduces the character and the conflict, which is survival and inner conflict (Sanity). Though it doesn't really hook me into the story, and though the read is enjoyable it is not my kind of story, I think the story could have more going on for it. A survival plot is just not very interesting, maybe have more people with him? It would be more interesting to have group dynamics in survival stories, you could even make one of the characters a shady student who might throw them under the bus for his own survival.

I think you set up the scene and describe locations well enough, especially the Monarch Forest bit, it is a nice world building. It is a lot to take in but it doesn't put me off so that's good, nothing much to say here as it is good enough for me. hehe.

👵》Plot & Conflict
The character, situation, world are introduced well and close to the plot in the blurb which is good. But I do feel the chapters are kind of long, but then again I have short attention span hehe, how many words are there when he stumbles into the circus? That's where my brain starts to trail away.

The character's appearance and situation are described well, could really see how the search has affected him and his body language is vivid, Jeremy's personality also shines through the writing though maybe it would be better setting the scene in a university early as he moves (Describe the university) instead of telling readers he is a university student, show that he is a university student.

👵》Enjoyment/EngagementI think the read is enjoyable, the only pet peeve I have is Jeremy keeps being referred to as "The university student." 😂 And maybe the length of the chapter.

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