#7 SHS

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👵》Cover / Title

The cover and title works well, it puts an emphasis on the trio that creates expectation of a character driven story instead of plot-driven, and since it's a book about them they deserve to have their initials on the title of the book. 😂

👵》Blurb/Story Description
The blurb gives enough information on what the story is about, and I think it is a good blurb. But it doesn't immediately sell me on the story, I prefer stories where you start with the plot on the blurb because when I pick up a book to read it's because I am hooked by the blurb so I want to read about that.

I think you set the scene well, I don't really have much to add because I am not the kind who needs details as I love having room to imagine. And you give enough for me to go on and build the scenes in my head. But you could consider adding more details if you want, for example how the mansion looks from the outside. The colour and its immediate surroundings, taking note of its wide landscape or maybe it has swimming pools or gardens. The same way you did with the interiors.

👵》Plot & Conflict
I know the first chapter is probably an introduction, though it would be nice to have a motif for Larry, more information regarding the mission would be nice. Having obstacles to create tension would do good for the story as well, as it stands there is a lack of tension when I read it. Maybe have another gold digger-esque character trying to take him to his room as well? So she has to try harder to get to him. Just an idea! It doesn't have to be that.

If not, maybe building Larry up a bit to show his desperation, maybe he is not good looking and people just want his parties and not him, show him flirting and failing so that it makes sense how easy it is for her to bait him into his room.

The characters are introduced and described well in my opinion, with a touch of backstory but not too much. More information on the protagonist would be nice, what's her story? What does she want? It is mentioned that Simon brought her in so is she repaying him by doing these missions? What's her personal goal or motivation? Setting up personal conflicts would make the story better.

👵》Enjoyment/EngagementI think the story is written well. I enjoy the reading as far as I read it but personally I think it would be better to introduce the characters as the main plot kicks off, or closer to it, as I said I read books because of blurbs. And right now it's like I am reading a different story than what the blurb suggests. 😂 

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