Flashy Spider-Man

137 11 7


Civil War never happened (They talked it out like adults)

Requested by

Only Ned knows Peters Identity

May's dead (Sorry)

Peter was enjoying a churro on top of the empire state building talking to Ned on the phone. He had just had an eventful spider-manning day. "And I was like thanks so much but I don't need it but she was like take it sweetie, so now I got this churro! Dude, guess what? I saved MJ today!"

"Dude no way! (home lol)"

"Dude it was so cool! I was swinging around and I saw her and there was a robber threatening someone and so I go over there and I realize that it's MJ! And so i was like 'Spider-man is here to save the day!' and then I go over and beat up the dude."

"Duuuuuuuude so cool!"

"Well, it was more of a she beat them up before I got the chance.... But I webbed them up after she knocked them out and stabbed them a few times but I mean whatever. Right...?"

"Duuuuuude MJs so Bada-" He suddenly got cut off by the sound of footsteps on the roof.

"Gotta go dude my duties are calling!"

"Hehe your doodies. By dude."

Peter crawled up the side of the building and on top of the roof was... some guy in a suit? "Hey dud-I mean hey uh Citizen." He held out his hand. The man looked at him strangely, then shook it.

"I'm agent Phil Coulson, from S.h.i.e.l.d. I'm here to ask you for your identity so we can put it into our database."

Peter snorted "As If" Agent Coulson gave him a disapproving look.

"Look, all we need to know is that we can trust you." Peter rolled his eyes.

"You can trust me, you gotta trust me on that."

"Alright looks like we have to do this the hard way." He whistled and 10 other shield agents walked out of the shed on the roof.

To make it simple, Peter kicked their butt (quite literally in some cases.)

"Tell Fury to try harder next time!" Peter yelled to the webbed up agents as he webbed away.


Fury paused the video. "He needs to be caught and brought in for interrogation."

"Why?" asked Clint.

"We need to know his identity"


"So we can trust him"


"So we ca- oh stop acting like a 5 year old girl you little s-"


"Oh you shut up too you star spangle d-"

"Alright, alright we'll do it. Take a chill pill dude"

Fury rolled his eyes, these were earth's mightiest avengers? "What are you doing here? Go!"


"Making my way downtown swinging fast" Peter sang as he swung to his favorite churro shop when his spider-senses went crazy. He ducked as a shield flew past where his head had been moments before.

"Spider-Man! We need to talk!" declared Cap.

"sWiNgInG fAsTeR" Peter webbed away but soon came face with Iron man and landed on the closest building. "Dude! You're my favori- I mean uh, hi IRon ma- Mr. star- Tony. Is it weird to say tony? what about tin man? Tiny stank? Iron can? Tin can?" Peter was interrupted by the sound of laughter coming from the building next to him.

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