Field trip time

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Yep, now I'm gonna write one just because of that


"For winning the decathlon this year" Mr. Harrington announced "We will be having a field trip tomorrow!"

"Where to?" questioned the ever annoying Flash.

"To..." He paused for dramatic effect "Stark industries!"

I groaned, how could my life get any worse?

"And, we will be having lunch with the avengers, special training sessions with them, and a Q & A!"

There it was, stupid Parker luck. I hid my head in my face.

After school Ned came racing up to me "Won't this be so fun?"

"Ned, you go there almost every weekend to hang out."

"Loser 1's got a point" MJ declared.

"But ever time I go there, it's like the first time, but better!"

"Loser 2 has made a good case" MJ said "What do you have to say to that?"

She pointed here pencil in her hand at me as if it was a microphone.

"I say, that I'm going home to decide what I'm gonna do about this." I said, pushing away the pencil from my face.

"Good luck!" Ned called.

"There's no way out of it! (No way home, lol)" MJ yelled.


"Aren't you so excited?" Ned squeaked as they got onto the bus.



"Because I know their going to embarrass me!"

"You ready for your lies to be discovered?" Interjected flash.

"Ignore the ultra loser losers" MJ said.

"I'm not a loser"  Flash yelled.

"You're right" MJ replied "You're an ultra loser, are you deaf?"


"Welcome to SI, I will be your tour guide today. My name is Kallie." Kallie announced as she passed out badges to everyone. "These will be your badges for today. level 1 is for people who need to use the bathroom (Which happens a lot more than you would think), level 2 is for visitors, level 3 is for press, 4 for tours, 5 for interns, 6 scientists, 7 head scientists, 8 for friends and family of the avengers, 9 for avengers, and 10 for the stark family and one other person."

"Cool!" Flash said "Now where do we go to get into the tower?"

"Right through here" Kallie replied. "One at a time please"

Of course, Flash pushed his way to the front so he could be the first. 

"Eugene "Flash" Thompson level 4, no weapons detected" F.R.I.D.A.Y. announced, scaring everyone. 

"Don't worry" Kellie said "Thats just Mr. Starks AI F.R.I.D.A.Y."

Betty stepped through next "Betty Brant level 4, no weapons detected."

Next it was Neds turn, "Ned Leeds level 8. no weapons detected."

Then up went MJ. "Michelle "MJ" Jones level 8, no weapons detected." 

and on and on it went until it was peters turn.

"Peter Parker level-"

"NOO!!" Peter screamed. "Er-sorry F.R.I.D.A.Y., carry on"

"No unauthorized weapons detected" F.R.I.D.A.Y. announced "You're here early? Would you like me to inform Mr. Stark of your arrival?"

"Please no, thanks though." peter replied.

"Look how weird he is." Flash commented "He just apologize to a robot and said please to it."

"Shut it Flash" MJ said to him.

"I bet you hacked it" Flash muttered to peter as he walked past him. 

"Ignore him" MJ said to him as she walked with him to the next destination.


Keep going??

Srry i haven't updated in a while

Here's somethings to make up for it

Here's somethings to make up for it

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