Still the wrong number

544 19 22

Probably a kidnapper: kid

Probably a kidnapper: Underoos

Probably a kidnapper: hello?

...: wut

...: i'm in class

...: is it important

Probably a kidnapper: oh yeah I forgot that you're still in school.

Probably a kidnapper: bye

---time skip----

...: Ned how do you properly clean and bandage a knife wound?

Probably a kidnapper: YOU GOT STABBED?!?!

...: wait... ur not Ned

Probably a kidnapper: No duh sherlock

...: It's for... a project at school?

Probably a kidnapper: no, its not

...: I only got stabbed lightly

Probably a kidnapper: *Sigh*

...: I was only aggressively poked at!

Probably a kidnapper: ill help you.

Probably a kidnapper: step one DON'T remove the weapon

...: ...oops?

Probably a kidnapper: you're gonna be the death of me kid

Probably a kidnapper: next you *Medical stuff that the author is to  lazy to enter*

...: oOooOOWWwwWWwwwW

Probably a kidnapper: you're giving me grey hairs already


sorry that was so short, part 3? Maybe I add the other avengers too?

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