Wrong number Underoos

685 23 13

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I don't have much time to write anymore.

This was requested by PersassiusJacksass28


593-583-5726:  Steve?

Peter: ?

593-583-5726: Steve this isn't funny

Peter: ur not funny

593-583-5726: Steve, you're already on probation.

Peter: whos steve

593-583-5726: Shoot, you're really not Steve, are you? 

Peter: That's right boomer

593-583-5726: ..? 

593-583-5726:Whats a boomer?

Peter: it means ur old

593-583-5726: I'm not a boomer!

Peter: phhh way right ur totally a boomer, u keep properly punctuating your sentences and ur using correct grammar, and u didnt know what a boomer was.  

593-583-5726: ...

Peter: I'm changing ur name to boomer 

boomer: please, no

Peter: 2 late

boomer: Noooooooo

Peter: gotta go, ttyl

boomer: what's ttyl?

Peter: ughhh u really are a boomer, it means talk to you later

boomer: Oh, ok. talk to you later. 

boomer: Wait, what do I call you?

Peter:  You can call me the best :D

boomer: um no. I'm gonna call you... kid

Kid: nOoooOoooOoOOoooOO pls no, i'm not a kid

boomer: don't complain

Kid: I'm not a kid!

boomer: then i'm gonna call you Underoos

Underoos: ?


Underoos: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I'm not underwear!!

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Underoos: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I'm not underwear!!

boomer: then i'm not a boomer.

Underoos: fine. :(

Probably a kidnapper: First of all, how did you do that, second of all why am I "Probably a kidnapper"?

...: Lol, idk why am I just 3 dots?

Probably a kidnapper: whats Lol and whats idk. 

...: just use the internet!!

...: U do know what the internet is... right?

Probably a kidnapper: Do I know what it is? I practically invented it!

...: ummmm... ok, class is starting. ttyl

Probably a kidnapper: ok, ttyl. 

Probably a kidnapper: WAIT YOUR STILL IN SCHOOL?!?!


To be continued..?  Should I?

any ways luv y'all ttyl

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