Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Forty-Four

Start from the beginning

"What should we do next?" I asked.

"Let's see if we can find a way to the top," Rachel suggested.

"Good thinking. I think we should look for an elevator or stairway," I added.

"Alright!" Rachel said, nodding.

From the size of this place, it could take days or hours to search this floor alone. As we went from the various storefronts and areas, we located several elevators and stairs. None of which went more than a few floors upwards or downwards. We spent the next few hours searching and exploring.

"Maybe we should try one of those computer terminals?" I asked.

"Okay," Rachel replied.

"There, that looks like a terminal," I pointed out.

We investigated the computer-like terminal. It looked to still be functional. I touched the panel, causing a holo interface to pop up. The texts were in a language we didn't understand. Examining the words, I soon realized I didn't even know where to begin. Without knowing what the words meant, I couldn't understand anything. Rachel scrolled through various tabs and pages. She stumbled upon something that resembled a map. As we had figured, this place was massive. There was no way we'd find anything without a map.

"Maybe we can download this map onto a portable tablet or device," I suggested.

"Yeah, but where are we going to find something like that?" Rachel asked.

"Good question," I replied.

"If we could find an electronics store," Rachel went on.

"I think this might be something like that," I said, pointing at an image on the holo map.

"That seems like it might be what we are looking for and it's not too far from here," Rachel said.

The spot on the map was up one level and a few stores over from a stairway. It took us about fifteen minutes to find the store from the holo map, but the place wasn't what we expected. It had a computer inside, but when we went inside the store to explore the interior. There were several rows of cubic-style booths. 'What was this place used for?' I wondered. Every booth had a number above it. I reach my hand to touch one display in a booth. A holo-Interface popped up this time, too, with some prompts. It seems to ask for login information.

"Looks like we need a login to use these terminals," Rachel said.

I checked a few more booths while Rachel tried accessing one. All the ones I tried needed a login. 'Was this a library or an internet cafe?' I wondered. At the back, there was a long counter with shelves behind it and other devices behind it. To the right of that were several round tables with recliners. The devices looked like tablets or laptops.

"Hey! Over here. I think these are laptops, tablets, and phones," I shouted.

"Really?" Rachel jogged over to look.

"Do you think we can use one of these?" I asked.

"We can try. Let's take a few of each," Rachel suggested.

"By the way, looks like your ankle is healed now?" I pointed out.

"Oh yeah, it has. I didn't even notice. You look a lot better now too," Rachel went on.

"I don't feel like I have a fever anymore. Does that mean we have turned like Cordelia said?" I inquired.

"I didn't even know vampires existed. For some reason, I feel that I should have. I'm sure that's because DNA Labs have done something to us. There are many questions I want to be answered," Rachel explained, opening her backpack.

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