Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Five

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DNA Labs Headquarters looked like a small city as we pulled up to the outskirts of the lab. It amazed me at how breathtaking the place looked and how different it was from what we had seen since leaving the airport. It was overwhelming, and the worries I had lessened. Kristonia looked excited too, so I felt stupid for getting so worried.

"Wow, this place is enormous, Kris!" Kristonia shouted with wide eyes.

"Yeah, it is. But, I wonder what it is all for," I questioned.

"It's like we discovered a new city that we didn't know existed before," Kristonia replied excitedly.

"Yeah, who would've thought that dreary forest would have led to something like this place? It's like the city at the end of the yellow brick road," I responded gleefully.

The main complex comprises several blocks, and several buildings lead up to the five largest buildings at the center. Several floors high, they were tall glass buildings that gleamed in the morning sun. Their designs were ergonomic in style, with symmetrical curves.

Our SUV finally reached the Main lab, where a lady was waiting for us. She was standing outside the largest of the five buildings. Her appearance drew our eyes to her as we drove up to where she was standing. She was a tall, curvaceously slender but petite blonde-haired woman that approached us. She was stunning, breathtaking, and more beautiful than anyone I had seen. My sister noticed her as well, as we both admired her features.

She greeted us as we exited the vehicle, leading us to the foyer inside the entrance. In such proximity to the woman, I got a closer impression of her otherworldly attractiveness. Long golden blond hair fell below her noticeably thin waist, wrapping around her body like golden tassels. Golden strands of her hair fell slightly over her triangular-shaped face, emphasizing her down-turned eyes were vibrant forest green. I had never seen anyone else with eyes like those of my family. The woman's down-turned eyes are one of the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. Slanted golden eyebrows brought my attention to her delicately upturned button nose. Her high nose bridge gave her a childish appearance, but her puffy bowtie lips gave her the classic pouty impression. A strong V-jawline and high angular cheekbones complemented her features. In addition, she had beige freckles covering her nose and cheeks. Her genes bless her with youthful rose skin, which brings out the freckles on her face.

Her physique is the perfect combination of curvy, petite, and athletic, resulting in a youthful woman possessing the true meaning of beauty. With her long, shapely legs that went on forever, she reminded me of a runway model. Her clothes clung tightly to her curvaceous, delicate build, like a well-fitted glove highlighting her wide hips and thin waist. The dark tan pencil dress barely concealed her thick womanly thighs beneath its light material. The silk material of her white button-down blouse did not hide a pair of full-bosomed breasts that threatened to spill free at the slightest movement. She wore tan pantyhose showcasing her statuesque figure that went well with her tan, open-toe high heels. She was stunning, but she gave off the impression that she was much older than she actually was. Her image was that of a twenty-something, but her hairstyle and attitude suggested otherwise.

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