Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter One - Part One

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Welcome to DNA Labs Delta Atlas Research and Development Center Admin User...

Subject: Gamma Series - A09/ Sub-001-0909.0.482000152451983.E9...

Alpha Series - A17/ Sub-002-0909.0.351001002451983.E2...

Project Development: Classified...

Status: Alive...

Location: Glubokaya Bezdna...

Begin Memory Series Sequence 482000152451983...

Begin Memory Series Sequence 351001002451983...

Stimulating Brain Activity for 002-0909...

Subject Consciousness Restarting...

Memory Protocol Active...

Building Memory Database-002-0909...

Start Memory Sequence...


Admin User is changing the parameter of the testing subject... Erasing Log!

Start Memory Sequence...

Memory Sequence Active... Beginning waking sequence now...

I open my eyes to the gentle caress of sunlight streaming through my bedroom window. The soft twittering of birds in the trees outside provides a soothing backdrop to my awakening. With a deliberate stretch, I sit up, brushing a stray strand of hair from my face. The house stirs around me as the rest of my family begins to rouse from slumber, their quiet morning rituals starting like clockwork.

My gaze is drawn to the holo-clock that hovers gracefully in the air over my nightstand. Its luminous display informs me that it's just past sunrise, a signal for Kristonia to nudge me into action. It's her job to ensure I'm up, dressed, and medicated before she heads downstairs to prepare breakfast. The routine of waking my children from their peaceful dreams, one by one, falls to me—an act of love that warms my heart with each gentle nudge.

The day unfolds with the familiarity of countless others that have come before it. At the kitchen island, I find Kristonia, a culinary artist in her own right, preparing a feast for our little tribe. Her culinary prowess passed down from our mother, has always been a source of comfort and delight for our family. Today's menu boasts the family-favorite French Omelets. Each of my children's rooms receives a visit from me, my gentle wake-up calls resonating through the house, announcing the start of another bustling morning.

Scarlett, my spirited middle daughter, exhibits her usual exuberance as she summons the chairlift to transport her to the upper floor. Her enthusiasm is infectious, always managing to bring a smile to my face.

My youngest, Aurelia, insists on taking her designated place on my lap during the chairlift journey. To her, it's not just about riding; it's a family tradition, an unspoken rule that cannot be broken. And so, she perches comfortably, a small but significant reminder of our cherished morning routines.

As the day unfolds, it adheres to the patterns of our simple, contented lives. But little do we know that today, like any other day, will mark a turning point—one that will irrevocably alter the course of our lives in ways we could not have foreseen.

Kristonia and I hail from a modest township nestled within the Federation of the United American Territories. Our family, like countless others, embodies the essence of the ordinary. We are everyday people leading everyday lives. An unforeseen accident, however, deprived me of my ability to walk several years ago. My existence since then has been confined to a wheelchair. The promise of emerging medical technologies offers a glimmer of hope for change, but only to those with the financial means to grasp it. In the early hours, before the world awakens, I often find myself contemplating my life, feeling as if it belongs to another era. "How did it all begin?" I wonder, raising myself onto the kitchen island to ponder life's intricate tapestry.

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