Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Twenty-Four

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The fifteen-minute break passed, and my display indicated that we had to stay above twenty-five miles per hour for twenty-five minutes. The speed had increased by ten miles per hour, and the time had advanced. Immediately Kristen took a jolt of electricity more severely than she got the first time. I rushed to get up to the required speed, but I had only gotten to fifteen miles per hour. Five minutes had already passed, and I could see my sister screaming in agony the entire time.

No matter how fast I peddled, I couldn't get up to speed. Kristen's screams were causing me to falter, and I couldn't concentrate on getting up to speed. I cried as the time displayed at 10:00 minutes. For fifteen minutes straight, my sister endured shocking treatment while there was nothing I could do about it.

We were failing her, and she was in pain because of it. I summoned all my strength, and I stood up on my bicycle. I pedaled faster and faster, trying to reach that speed to stop the electrodes from shocking Kristen.

I got to twenty miles per hour as the timer hit 2:20 minutes, and I noticed Kristen wasn't screaming as loud as she was. The voltage must have gone down. Diane or Rachal must have hit twenty-five miles per hour. That only inspired me to pedal faster than before, and with only seconds left, I reached twenty-five miles per hour. After almost half an hour, Kristen finally stopped screaming as the timer hit 0:00 minutes.

"Well done, all of you. You hit the benchmark right before your time expired. You may wonder why it was so difficult to reach your mark. The reason is that the bicycles you're riding are physical resistance bicycles designed to work against the rider. The harder you push, the more difficult it is to reach your goal. All of you have to figure out how to overcome this obstacle without instruction. I guarantee you that this vigorous tenacity will aid you in the future," Dr. Kent explained.

"I know each of you will pass the next benchmark. Although Kristen, I am forced to put her through tremendous pain, I assure you she can handle her situation. All of you, please continue to show me you are capable of rising above these trials. You will need it," Dr. Kent explained further.

There was no way for me to respond, and I didn't have time to get mad. My holo display showed me I needed to stay above ten miles per hour. For several moments, Kristen screamed before stopping.

"From now on, if any of you fall below the resting speed, the chair will shock Kristen. I take no pleasure in this, but it will be as if all three of you fell below the speed. It would go up by three times for each of you. Be warned that after this benchmark, that will increase by three times again," Dr. Kent added.

'I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Was Dr. Kent trying to kill my sister? No, that wasn't it.'

I struggled to stay above the specified speed.

Suddenly, I heard someone clapping, but I couldn't see them from my point of view. Then I noticed Kristen looking toward Dr. Kent, and that's when I heard another voice through my headset.

"Bravo... Bravo... I thought Zero Zero Two could only survive to the first benchmark. Fucking fantastic, Dr. Kent. Don't you think? I love seeing them squirm," the female voice said.

"Executive Assistant Manager Bastienne Belychild, if I recall, you weren't supposed to be here today. May I ask why you are here?" Dr. Kent questioned.

"Oh... I just wanted to see the four bitches in pain. There's no other reason. I won't interfere, but you can't blame a girl for wanting some entertainment," Bastienne said in a sultry voice.

"I must remind you, these trials are vital and must proceed without fail," Dr. Kent replied.

"I don't give one fuck. These bitches are a waste of time. They have proven over and over repeatedly that they are uncontrollable. So why do you put blind faith in them?" Bastienne said.

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