Blood of My Death: The Ancient Earthscrapper - Chapter Eighteen

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Begin Memory Memory Series Sequence 482000152451983...

Memory Series Sequence Sub-001-0909.

I woke from a horrible nightmare. Just when monsters were close to catching me, I slipped into a dark abyss. I always fall before waking up, soaking wet from sweating. Since entering that sphere, I have had the same dream every night. Something happened to me there, and I haven't been able to shake it since. I threw the wet sheets off my body as I looked at the holographic clock above my holo-TV, and it was 3:00 am. An overwhelming dread spread through my body at \what they had planned for us today, as we had to get up in two hours.

Every day there was a new test that was worse than the previous test in some unique way. In reality, there was nothing we could do to protest. The threat of being killed was always at the top of our minds. We weren't just prisoners; we were captives. Initially, it was just simple tests any typical clinic would conduct. Any hospital in the territories could have administered those tests that seemed so long ago. Back then, all the security made sense, but it was that first day that I should have told myself everything I needed to know.

It was the day when they took Kristen's wheelchair from her and wouldn't let me retrieve it. It was just beyond my reach, and only three guards stood in my way. We should have known then things wouldn't be the way we thought. By then, it was too late, and they had us. There was no going home at that point, and we all knew it. So we pretended everything was okay the first couple of months. We kept telling ourselves this was just a part of DNA Labs' top-secret security protocols. We found out that, eventually; it wasn't.

'I was so stupid to fall for this. Before we even stepped off the plane, I should have known something was wrong. We're now stuck with no way out.' I moved to sit on the side of the bed.

My skin was sweating, and we didn't have showers in our so-called apartment. We didn't have bathrooms either. In order to take a shower, I would have to skip breakfast, which meant Dr. Iris would have to skip breakfast as well. I stood up and walked over to the closet. In the closet, I changed into new clothes after removing the white scrubs I was wearing.

As I walked into the closet door shut behind me, and I was in complete darkness. I searched for the wall switch to turn on the light, but there were no walls. I turned around to open the door, but the door had vanished. After falling to the ground in fear, a light appeared around me. The light was coming from me, and I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was back in that nightmarish realm, and I was terrified of what was going to happen.

"Why... Why the fuck am I here?" I screamed into the darkness beyond the light coming from my body.

"Why the hell am I here?" I shouted again.

Something was moving in the dark. I froze in place, not moving a single muscle, and I stayed like that for several moments. Even though I was emitting light, I didn't dare to move an inch. Then, another footstep startled me as it was closer than the one before, coming from behind me.

I slowly turned my head, trying not to make any sudden moves. Then, out of the darkness, two feet appeared at the edge of the light emitting from me. I don't know what it was, but it stood outside my body's glow. Looking up, I thought I saw a face. The last time I was here, I encountered horrors unimaginable, chasing me for what felt like forever.

"Who is there?" I whispered.

Only my voice echoed out into the dark void. Moments passed with no response from the darkness; only my breathing echoed. I lay motionless, my body still. My fear grew, and I feared calling out again. The monstrosities I had faced before did not compare to this. The dark silhouette standing beyond my light range continued to exhale smoke from its mouth. It stood motionless as smoke poured from its mouth. There it was, waiting for me, and I knew it would watch me from some place deep within my soul. Once again, I mustered up the courage to speak.

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